Chap 3

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A/N: Hi fruit babes! I've been working hard and here you go.
Now this chapie contains more smut, but it's totally important to the story....I mean it's not like I enjoy writing this sorta thing 😏.
Okay maybe I do, but there are more hints of the backstory along with that smut.
So pay attention!


“So how is he?” Tyler asked. He had been impatiently waiting against the wall.

“He’s perfectly healthy Tyler.” Spencer replied as he came into the hall. He held his medical bag.

“So he’s-" Tyler jumped off the wall, he was so excited.

“No Tyler he’s not.” Spencer sighed. Tyler’s face fell instantly. It was like he went from cloud nine to hell in less than a minute. “Look just keep trying. I mean his cycle won't end for another two weeks. That should give you plenty of time.” He smiled and patted his shoulder.

“Yeah.” Tyler copied his smile. “I just want this so bad. A-and this is the best way to ensure our bond will lasts forever.” His smile faded and was traded for a more sullen look.

“Hey look it took me and Ryan three cycles before we got lucky.” Spencer tried to make his friend feel better.

“Yeah but you and Ryan knew you were a match. I had to go searching for Josh! A-and I feel if we don't bond this cycle t-then he might leave me a-and then I'll be all alone again…” Tyler teared up at that thought.

“Aw come here.” Spencer pulled Tyler into a hug. He cried harder. “Shhh how about I give him a shot to make Josh more willing to keep trying?” He asked with smirk. A mischievous look on his face.

Tyler pulled back with a grin full of as much malice as his dear friend. “Yes please doctor.” He laughed. They went back inside to see a sleeping Josh in bed.

“Now this is still experimental, so watch him closely so he doesn't become ill.” Spencer informed him as he injected the fluid into Josh’s arm.

“Yeah yeah. That's what you're for. Now will this stuff enhance my chances?” Tyler rolled his eyes at the standard doctor warning. They shared a knowing look.

“You're real bastard you know that.” Spencer joked. Tyler merely threw his arms around him and kissed him deeply.

“My dad was one hell of a teacher.” Tyler whispered in Spencer’s ear. The doctor pulled him flush against his body.

“Hmm why don't you show me what else he taught you?” Spencer questioned with a lustful gaze.

“I don't know if I can Spencer, seeing how I'm taken now and all.” Tyler stuck his tongue out at him.

“You fucking tease.” Spencer growled and pushed Tyler. The brunette laughed hard as he walked to the door.

“Well I guess I do owe you for the house call so late. ” Tyler thought out loud as he leaned in the doorway.

“Not to mention the shot.” Spencer quickly added.

“Oh let's not forget that…..hmmm how’s two times sound?” Tyler asked nonchalantly.

“Three sounds better.” Spencer countered as he crossed his arms. He’s played this game with Tyler before and he loves to knock the skinny boy down from his high horse. If only for a little while.

Tyler grinned because he knew what the naughty doctor had in mind for them. “Yeah that does sound better, but how about I make you a deal for four times in exchange for another one those shots for later?” He bargained as he walked back towards him. Being sure to sway his hips just to tempt the odds in his favor.

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