Chap 1

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A/N: Hey, Hi, How's it going?  Lol

Well this is a crazy idea that I wanted to try so hopefully it works out well. Now I won't give any details away because that's part of the surprise  😉


“Josh it's been nearly two months, when are you coming back home?” Mark snapped over the phone.  Josh only sighed because him and his best friend not to mention manager had this same discussion every day. Josh was a rock star from Los Angeles. He had became a household name around the country in the rock and roll world. Josh was at the top of his game, when suddenly he took a break. But in Mark’s eyes it was like he had given up his career entirely.

“Look Mark, I needed some time away from all the craziness. So excuse me if I take longer than a day to feel better.” Josh replied angrily.

“Feel better!? Dude you just randomly packed up your life and moved to who knows where and you still have yet to tell me for how long. That's not how a normal person gets their head together. You my friend are fucking nuts!” Mark exclaimed. He needed Josh to see the insanity of his actions.

“Mark I already told you that I went to a small city called Petersburg in Ohio. My granny used to live here and I always had fun when I visited here.So I don't know, I just felt compelled to come my granny was telling me know to feel better.” Josh tried to explained as he scratched his head. He knew it sounded crazy when he said it out loud. Mark just sighed heavily.

“Josh don't  think I don't understand because I do, but it wasn't your fault she passed away while you were on tour in Europe. And I think you should seek some professional help to get you through this.” Mark sympathized with his friend.

“I didn't just freaking do a tour, Mark I ignored my family’s calls because I was “too busy” to talk to them! Not only that even after she died I couldn't even care less to pause the tour for her funeral! That woman practically raised me after my mom passed and I was too much of a big shot to even say a proper goodbye to her…..what decent grandson does that huh Mark!?” Josh cried to him. The pain of choosing his fame over his family was tearing him up inside. “Mark please….I need this right now…I don't know for how long it will be, but trust that I'll let you when I'm better.”

“Alright, just keep me in the loop okay?” Mark sighed. He didn't want to cave, but his friend said he needed this so he’d just support him on his decision.

“Thanks Mark I will. And speaking of loop I met someone.” Josh smirked as he wiped his face.

“Let me guess some star crazed fan looking to use you as an ATM?” Mark joked. He never really trusted relationships between celebrities and fans. It only ended bad in his opinion.

“No Mr. Negative. He’s a nice guy who likes me for me and not my fame. Besides he’s a known writer so he doesn't need my money.” Josh huffed at his skeptical friend.

“Ooooh so is it getting serious? Is the notorious playboy ready to settle down?” Mark mocked him.

“Shut up Mark.” Josh chuckled into the phone. The doorbell rang. “Hey I gotta go. Someone’s at the door.” He excused himself.

“Oh could that be Mr. Right coming to fly you away into the sunset?” Mark laughed hard at his lame joke.

“Bye Mark.” Josh rolled his eyes and hung up the phone. The doorbell rang again. “Just hold your horses, I'm coming.” He got off the couch to answer the door.

Josh opened the door to see a slender young man with short brown hair and bright brown eyes. “Hi Joshie.” Tyler greeted him with a warm smile.

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