Camila's letter to Lauren

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God, I don't know how long I've waited for those words to come from you. I miss you, like that tumblr indirect from 2015, the first thing I missed about you was your voice. Then I missed those eyes, god I miss my planet green eyes...I could list everything that I miss about you but it's so much simpler to say I miss you.

I received your letter third but I'm replying to yours first. You may not realise but you're the one who helped me through. You were the reason I was hurting but you helped me heal and now you're the reason for my loving. I wouldn't be here without you Lo! I love you so much. I have always loved you.

The four of you deserve every success you get, the VMA's, you've done've achieved our dream and you deserve it. I love you so much and I can't wait to hear the album. You sound perfect without me.

All my love forever,
Love from
Your Camz xxxxxxxx

P.s. I'm so proud of you for coming out!! You've wanted to do it for as long as I can remember, now I just need my little bi ass outta the closet, love you loads babe

I am not trying to be offensive if anyone took offence from 'Camila's' joke then I'm sorry

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