Ally's letter #1

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I hope you got Dinah's letter and I also hope you get this one. Camila, I miss you and your big ass, I miss you always eating bananas, I miss having my little sister around. I know the other four are my sisters too but we aren't the same without you.

God, I wish I realised that something was wrong, Ik I couldn't fix it but I would've helped you Cami, you know we all would've stopped everything to make sure you're okay. We're all glad you're in the loving process now, you still mean the world to us Mila.

You can always come to us, we aren't angry, we could never be angry at you Cam. The letter wasn't written by us I hope you understand that, we aren't us without you here.

I don't know what else to say, I love you Mila, we all do!

Your short ass mama!

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