"Should I?"

Scott then steps forward, pulling me along, "Mr Stilinski, we're looking for someone called Stiles. You went by that name in the army, right?" Elias nods, "yes, best years of my life."

How could the Army possibly the best years of his life?

"Do you know any of us?" Malia snaps, as Elias nods once again, "of course I do," his gaze meets with Scott, "how could I forget my own son?" I frown, his words not making sense as Scott stares down towards me, almost just as confused as I am by Elias' words.

"Mr Stilinski, what year is it?"

"1976, it's my son's birthday next week."


"He has Dementia." Lydia informs us as I run a subtle hand through my hair. "This isn't going to work." I deadpan, pulling a little at the strands out if frustration.

"Is it time for my medicine?"


Night had fallen, with us still in the nursing home, me sitting next to Elias as we try to explain to him that Scott is not his son, also, to try and figure out if he knows Stiles.

"You shouldn't be here. If you don't leave, I'll have to report you." Elias has a sudden change in demeanor, his voice sounding stern, "uh-what's wrong with him?"

"The sun went down." Lydia points out, "he's sundowning. It's when Dementia patients lose their faculties after the sun goes down."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore!" Elias shouts as I widen my eyes,

"So what do we do?" Malia panics, "we wait 'til the sun comes back up." I sigh, shaking my head, "he won't shut up, we can't wait that long." I tell them, as I eye Elias, him messing with the papers, mumbling incoherent words, "there has to be something we can do to keep him quiet."

"I can calm him down." Malia steps forward, gesturing to herself as all three of us immediately objects to her offer.

"Elias, look at the equations." Lydia places the different math equations in front of him, telling Elias to find "P".

"Gotta' hand it to her, she's the smartest Martin." I mumble to Scott, watching as Lydia helps Elias with the equations, keeping him busy.

"What's with the math?"

"It helps dementia patients concentrate." Lydia answers, continuing her actions as she proceeds to get more equations. "Elias-" he looks towards my sister, his face becoming angry, "it's Mr. Stilinski, who the hell do you think you are?" He snaps as I become uncomfortable with his sudden change in attitude, Lydia, however, doesn't seem fazed one bit.

"You know Scott isn't your son?"

"Of course I know that. Are brains getting smaller with the skirts?" He rudely replies, walking to stand on the edge of the table. "It was just a question." I snap, wanting to take the words back, but Mr. Stilinski does not seem to care, in stead, he looks toward Scott.

"So, you're that McCall kid." He points at Scott, "you know me?"

"I know your dad," Aliah corrects, "couldn't hold his liquor and he certaintly couldn't keep thay wedding ring on his finger. Pretty young thing walked by and poof that ring would just disappear like magic." Malia growls toward him as I try to control my anger.

Who in the hell does this guy think he is?

"Do you know all of us?" Lydia folds her hands in front of her, placing her chin on them as she awaits his response. "You're Natalie Martin's girl, and that's your sister," he locks eyes with me, "am I right? You both look like her, she was pretty once too."

I have had enough. "No offense, Elias, but you've been stuck in a nursing home for many years and you ha-"

"Lilly." Scott interrupts me, shaking his head, telling me to stop snapping at him, with a scoff, I close my mouth. "Stop talking." Malia commands to Elias, her eyes flickering blue as Scott jumps up, "Malia." Scott warns, "she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in the room." With that comment, Malia releases her claws, wanting to jump forward, luckily, Scott snd I quickly jump in her way, stopping her from doing any harm.

"Enough!" A new voice rips through the air as I quickly let go of Malia, my head snapping towards the voice, only to recognize the Sheriff standing there, an extremely angry look plastered on his face. "Sheriff." Scott gasps, "I explicitely told you not to come here. And who," he pauses, pointing towards the staff memeber next to him, "attacked a staff member?"

"That's her." The staff memeber nods in Malia's direction, as she growls silently towards him.

"What the hell were you thinking?" I gulp, feeling slightly guilty for disobeying the Sheriff's orders. "Noah," Elias interrupts, stumbling forward, "we were just having a nice conversation."

"The four of you, out, now." I nod, quickly moving towards the exit without another word.

The four of us enter Lydia's car, me taking the passenger seat as I groan loudly.

"What now?" My head turns toward my sister, in hopes that she has an answer. She just shrugs, shaking her head, "I don't know."

"We don't have anymore clues, no leads, how're we gonna' prove that Stiles is real?" I put my head in my hands, thr thoughts becoming too much as I take a deep breath, trying to swallow the tears of frustration.

I feel a hand being placed on my shoulder, in a sense to comfort me, "we'll figure it out." Scott gently says as Lydia starts the ignition.

But, what if we can't? What if we can't figure this one out?


Finally, an update!


And also, can we discuss how cute Stiles looked in 6x11 with his tie and briefcace...adorable!

Thoughts on this chap??

And then, I started a Peter Parker fanfiction, it's called 'Death Touch'

So please check it out, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading x

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