Kagomes hidden power

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~ "Excellent Kagome! With your abilities I don't see a single reason why anyone would be able to beat you." My father spoke as he ruffled my hair. I looked over at the giant crater I had created in the mountain with pride. "Father when will you let me fight the other ninja! I want to go on missions and help out in the village like all the other kids!" I said as I clutched his robes. "Now now Kagome you know you are all to precious to me to let you go on such dangerous missions. Our clan must stay strong and you are the heir. You are just fine staying here and training with me! Unless you're growing tired of this old man already" my father put on a fake sad face which always made me giggle. "Of course not father hahaha well ok then! But one day I'll go out into the world and be the best ninja!" I said before running away to train some more. ~

Only 8 years old then and I could destroy a mountain with one punch. Now look at me. Trembling on the ground. I caught sight of myself in Hinatas lavender eyes glaring down at me ready to strike. I looked pathetic. The sight of my reflection angered me as I grabbed hold on Hinatas ankle and drained her of her Chakra funneling it into my own. This caught her off guard and her Byakugan deactivated as she slipped to the ground. Now it was my turn to kick her around a little bit. With the chakra boost I got from Hinata I began making handsigns to perform a jutsu known only by my clan. Not my Kekkei Genkai but instead a green mountain dragon jutsu my grandfather created long ago.
Only with someone else's chakra can this jutsu be used. The kurosaki clan holds many secrets of their fighting technique and it was time the world became accustomed to this one not yet seen outside of my clan. The green mountain dragon was the symbol of our clan and in ancient times my people were the bearers of the dragons power. This jutsu allows us to call upon his power by turning pure chakra into the form of the dragon and engulfing the opponent in pain. Of course I would control the jutsu as to not harm Hinata too much. She wasn't my enemy after all.
After the last hand sign was made I glanced up and Hinata and dropped one knee to the ground before slamming both of my hands into the dirt causing the earth beneath me to crack. "Green Dragon of the Mountain! Hidden chakra jutsu!" I shouted as Hinatas borrowed chakra seeped out of me taking the shape of the Dragon. A loud roar came from the giant beast as he bellowed towards Hinata a look of terror spread across her face. Kurenai Senseis mouth dropped open as she shouted for Hinata to do something. It was too late though as the dragons mouth went to swallow her. Instead of letting the jutsu take full effect I dissipated it and ran towards a collapsed Hinata as Kurenai Sensei stood shocked. "HEY HINATA YOU OK!?" I darted forward and crouched down beside her she coughed and looked up towards me "Ya know, I really thought I had you there for a second haha" she said before sitting up and rubbing her head.

I wiped a bead of sweat off my forehead relieved I didn't hurt her too bad. Kurenai walked towards us and congratulated us on a battle well fought. Time had gotten away from us as we fought as I looked at the suns placement in the sky it appeared to be past noon. "What was that just now Kagome? That was unlike anything I'd ever seen before I. I just don't know what to think other than how terrifying that was" Kurenai said as she closed the space between Us.

"That was one of my clans hidden jutsu. My grandfather had developed that jutsu and he said for us to never use it against someone who isn't of our own but, well he's not around anymore and neither is my clan so I thought It would be a good time to introduce the world to the Green mountain dragon!" I said laughing nervously as I scratched the back of my head.  Kurenais eyes widened as a look of realization crossed her face. "I don't know why I hadn't realized sooner but you're the granddaughter of the man they called the green dragon! Your clan worshiped the mountain dragon Seiryu long ago yes?" I nodded before confirming her statement "that's correct Sensei! My grandfather earned that nickname because the mountain dragon was said to have taught him many Jutsu and even fought along side him in the third shinobi war." Kiba and shino suddenly appeared behind us as kiba spoke up "does that mean your grandfather used a summoning jutsu for the dragon?" I smiled at him and nodded my head confirming. "Does that mean you also know the summoning jutsu?!" Kiba said with excitement in his voice. "Yes, yes I do. But I don't think the lord of the mountains would respect me enough to actually appear if I summoned him. My grandfather was a powerful and great man and his relationship with the dragon was even a bit rocky at times. Or so I've heard from my father. I have never seen the dragon in person and he hasn't made an appearance since the third war. My father forbade me from ever trying the jutsu in fear that Seiryu would swallow me whole." 

Kurenai spoke turning to all of us. "I see. Kagome. I had no idea how strong you were. I have a suspicion you may be the strongest of all other ninja your age. I see no point in putting you up against them in sparring matches now, you clearly overpower them. I think you need to work on your confidence. I saw it in your eyes when Hinata pinned you down the first time. And not being confident in abilities as powerful as yours can become a dangerous thing. So you have some homework to do. Think about why you doubt yourself and try to overcome that ok?" She said smiling at me before addressing us all "ok we're done here for the day you've earned the rest of the day off! You're welcome" she waved goodbye to us as she began to walk off the training grounds.
"Sorry again for hurting you Hinata I haven't used that jutsu in so long I forgot just how powerful it was" I said turning towards Hinata and looking at the bruise on her shoulder where the chakra dragon made its first contact.
"Ah don't worry about it Kagome! I'm fine!" She smiled reassuringly at me as I sat down on a wooden bench nearby exhausted by the fight" Hinata sat on my left side as kiba awkwardly approached and sat to my right shino walking away out of the training grounds. "So there's half a day left what is there to do around here?" I asked curiously. Kiba was about to speak before Hinata interrupted him "actually I was going to meet up with Ino, Sakura, and TenTen at the hot springs if you wanted to join too?" Hinata glanced at me smiling. A giant grin spread across my face at the thought. I had never been invited anywhere with a group of girls before I never had friends outside my clan and they were mostly all relatives so I was extremely excited for this!
"That sounds great! A nice hot soak would be nice after that match!" Kiba sighed in disappointment knowing he wouldn't get to spend time with me as our plans solidified. "So I'll see you around sometime Kiba? Maybe after the hot springs you can help me look for a steady living place. Maybe show me around a bit yeah?" I said looking down at my feet before making eye contact with him. The disappointment in his face faded at the thought of him showing me around town. "I'd love too sure! Don't worry me and Akkamaru here know the best places in all the village!" He said before standing up and going to walk off the training grounds. " catch up with you later then Kagome!" He said before sprinting off with Akkamaru.

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