Chapter Føûrteen: Secrets and Fights Galore

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(Scarlett's POV)

"If you thought your pathetic self could escape from me, you are very much wrong Sweetheart. You can never escape, because just like you ruined my life, I'll ruin yours. Remember your little family and boyfriends? 

If you don't meet me at the river near your school, you can count all them dead.Come alone, but if you don't, I can always just kill them and take you. You. Are. Mine. Nothing can change that.


Hisoka" I read silently as the tears threatened to burn me. Hisoka. That cursed name that haunted me forever. I can never escape him. because of him, every ounce of innocence I had left, was stripped clean. He tortured me, killed my best friends, acted nice to me before scarring me till I almost died.

The one time a decided to stay just a few minutes late, he scarred me more then anyone can imagine. 

I can't let him kill them, they're all I have left. Before I can keep giving myself a small pep talk, I start crying loudly, realizing I was having trouble breathing. My legs gave out, so I just covered my face letting my sobs come out.

(Eugene's POV)

As I'm about to check on Scarlet, I hear sobs coming from her room. I softly knock on the door. "Scarlet? Are you there??" I ask her worriedly. "I'm... I-I'm fine. Just a bit, ya know" she says unconvincing me. 

"Scarlett, open this door, or I will open it myself." I warn her. "I-I can't.." she says between sobs. I learned how to pick locks at a young age, so I easily just picked the lock with a small knife. 

Quickly running in, i close the door behind me. I run to her kneeling down to comfort her. "What happened?" I ask her, not worrying how she's only in a bra and underwear. "He's coming for me.." she says before pointing to a note.

Not asking who he is, I pick up the note and read it silently. "Who is this Hisoka guy?" I ask her with anger laced in my voice.

"He was my old boyfriend, he murdered my best friends and I do have one who new her too, but I can't forget her still. He would torture me, and stripped my of my innocence forcefully." She whispers.

"He said to meet you at the park alone, but I'll go with you even if you don't want me to." I tell her. I'm not going to just let her go, that's like letting her get killed or raped or something.

"But-" before she can continue, I cut her off, "No ifs or buts, I'm going with you." I say to her. "Now come on, let's go ask if the guys want to go as well." I say before carrying her bridal style, covering her with my sweater that looks like a dress on her, and walking outside. 

"Whoa, what happened to her. You didn't do something to her, right?" Mingyu says. "Haha very funny, we don't have time for jokes right now. Someone is after Scarlett, and we have to go to him by the river behind the school." I say to them quickly.

"Kyung, Mingyu, Ren, Haru, Jinwoo, Eric, Mino, are you all in or not?" I ask still holding Scarlett. "I'll stay here with Haru to protect the kids, be safe alright? Don't let him get Scarlett." Ren says before going back to the kids. 

"Alright, let's get moving anyone. Our main goal is to protect Scarlett, don't forget that." I order. Everyone gets up quickly as we run out the door to the river. The river is only a few minutes away besides the fact that our school is damn huge. Scarlett is pretty darn light, so running while carrying her is pretty easy.

"I see you didn't come alone, kitten." I hear a deep male voice say. Did he just say kitten? This guy has some weird pet names for her. I get there to see him standing in front of the river. "How did you get in here? This school requires and ID in order to get in." Kyung asks suspiciously. 

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