Beautiful Days & Ugly Assumptions

Start from the beginning

"Is that why you're angry with Lauren?" I inquire, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Yes, and she knows I hate being alone." Dinah sighs, starting to walk down the sidewalk. I follow by her side. "And she promised she would walk with me today. But I understand that sometimes she doesn't want to come to school because of how she feels."

We walk past colorful houses, much brighter than the ones in Seattle. Our footsteps echo against them.

"Things at her house are... hard. Her parents aren't the most..." Dinah leaves her sentence hanging, choosing not to finish it. "That's not for me to say. But I love Lauren and I'll always forgive her."

"You guys seem close." I comment, enjoying getting to know Dinah a bit better.

"We are. We've been friends since ever and I've been at her side through thick and thin and she has done the same for me." Dinah smiles, perhaps remembering memories of the past.

"I had a friend like that." I say, earning Dinah's attention. "His name is Noah and we were best friends. I still like to think we are. But he seems angry with me because I didn't tell him I was moving."

"Why didn't you tell him? Is he like... your boyfriend?"

"What? Ew, no. He isn't my boyfriend." I shake my head, thoughts of my sexuality reappearing in my head. "But I didn't have time to tell him."

"That's a shame."

We walk in silence for a few seconds before Dinah pipes up. "Oh, and to answer your question from before: Lauren won't walk with us because she always waits for Normani and they walk home from Normani's practice."

"Lauren seems loyal." I comment, my eyes fixed on the taller girl.

"She is. Except when she bails on you on the one day she will walk home with you." Dinah sighs, frustrated. "But I get it."

"How hard are things at home for her?"

"Extremely hard." Dinah exhales, her mood changing from angry to upset for her close friend. "She hates it there but as long as nothing gets out, she says she will stay. I'd have her move into my house but I have so many siblings; it wouldn't be feasible."

"Nothing gets out...?" I trail off, asking for more information.

"Nothing." Dinah shakes it off, lifting her eyes off the ground.

I see my house trail up beside us and I stop. "Well, this is my house." I tell her, seeing a cloud of disappointment rest over her face. "If you want, I can walk you to your house then walk back. So you won't be alone."

"That's really sweet, Walz." Dinah grins, stuffing her hands into her pockets. "But it's alright. I can actually see my house from here so I can walk alone."

"You sure?"

"Positive." Dinah reassures me, her eyes sparkling in the soft sunlight.

"Alright," I say shyly, smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"See you, Mila." Dinah waves to me before turning away and continuing her walk home. I walk up the step to the front door. Before I can get in, though, Dinah comes running back.

"I almost forgot," Dinah exhales, pulling out a slip of paper from her pocket. "Ally wanted me to give this to you. It's all of our phone numbers, including Lauren's—but she doesn't know yet so don't tell her until I do. Just so you can stay in contact and we can hang out."

"Thank you." I smile, taking the paper carefully in between my fingers. "It means a lot."

"Anytime." Dinah grins, rushing down the sidewalk afterwards. I laugh softly, turning back towards my front door.

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