Chapter 24. In The Hotel pt.1

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Once we got to the top, Ritsu hacked her way into the system and shut of the security cameras and the lock on the door so we could walk in without being noticed.
Once we walked into the main lobby, we see that it's heavily guarded.
How are we-
"What's the problem? Why don't we walk through the lobby normal," Mrs.Vitch said while holding an empty wine glass.
"How are we suppose to walk through the main lobby with so many security guards," Sugaya whispered/yelled.
"Walk normally like this," she said as she walked away from us into one of the guards acting like she's drunk.

"Oh sorry, I had a little too much to drink. I was hired to play the piano over their sometime next week so I wanted to check out the pianos sound," she said as she walked over to the piano in the lobby and sat down in the chair.
"Ok let me check if you can," Mr. Security Guard #1 said as he tried to walk away.
"Listen to me play, in sure you guys got musical ears," she said and started to play the piano.

"Wow she's amazing," you said as you listened to her play the beautiful piece.

(For the ones who don't do band, a piece is the song that someone or the whole band plays)

"She's really good."
"She's a very skilled pianist, her performance skills are outstanding," Koro said.

"Please come closer for a better view," Mrs.Vitch said to the last two guards in the back who were guarding the stairs that we need to go."
As they came over, she signaled us to go which is what we did.

"Everyone made it through the lobby," Kayano said in joy and relief
"Okay there's a reason I asked you to come in your cloths," Karasuma said.
"Is it because we are on vacation," you said.
"Not the time right now to joke around but it's so we blend together in as guests," Karasuma said.
"Wait guests, but isn't the hotel for criminals," Sugaya questioned.
"Yah we are just a bunch of junior high school students to be here," Yoshida said.
"There's actually a lot of them here, raised like spoil brats and encouraged to get involved from a young age," Karasuma said.
"So that means we need to acted like them," you said.
"Yes that's correct," he said as most of us started to evil.
(You and Karma didn't start acting evil)
"Yah you guys don't have to look like it," Karasuma stated.
"Okay students, we don't know what are enemy looks like so that means we need to stay alert," Koro said as we all nodded.

"As long as we stay alert and don't do anything stupid, we should be fine," you thought until you jinxed it.
Terasaka and Yoshida ran pasted Karasuma and you and the others noticed a guy walking toward us.
"WATCH OUT, THAT GUYS IS DANGEROUS," Okano yelled to them.
Karasuma pulled them both behind him and the mysterious guy poison gassed him but when he did that, Karasuma kicked the gas out of his hand.
"Hey your the guy who poisoned our drink," Okano said.
"But how do you know if it was the drinks," he said.
"Well the virus had to be something we ate or drank but if it was something we ate then Okajima and Mimura wouldn't be infected with the virus," Fuwa said.
"It's because they were too busy editing the documentary during dinner," you said backing up her statement.
"And you were the waiter who gave them those drinks so it could only be you," she said pointing to the mysterious man.
"Good work Phoenix," you said.
"What can I say, I love reading Shonen manga," she said.
Then all of the sudden, Karasuma fell on the floor.
" poisoned assassin, that's quick and effective too," Koro said worried.
"You're not helping," you replied to Koro.
"Since he was is poisoned, the deal is off, I'll have to notify the bo-," he cut off the last word and saw 6 of us blocking the exit.
"Whenever you come in contact with the enemy, immediately block their escape route and prevent them from calling for backup," you said and ??? looked nervous.
"I gave them those orders beforehand," Karasuma said as he barely stood up.
"I'm surprised that you can even speak, but your team is just a group of brats."
Then Karasuma kicked him in the face and they both passed out.

Sorry this chapter took forever. I got but I'm back and I'll post the next chapter quicker than this one.

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