Chapter 23. A virus

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Instead of typing *(name) point of wire I'm just gonna say (name) when it's there point of view
-another funny bonus at the end-

-Before the cliffhanger. On the way back to the hotel-
"That almost worked," (Y/n) said in a sad tone.
"Yah but we didn't know about it," Nagisa said.
"He was probably hiding it for a moment like this," I said.
"Probably but it looks like he's getting tortured," (Y/n) said as she pointed to Ava-Sama as she was making Koro spin in the plastic bag.
"PLEASE STOP," Koro begged, trying to stop Ava-Sama spinning him.
"But this is fun," she said with excitement as she was spinning him faster.
"Well he does look like he's gonna puke," I said as (Y/n) giggled.
"That will show him," (Y/n) said.
"She's cheering up, now she isn't sad, I'm glad to help," I thought as I saw her bright smile.

~( time skip to hotel by spinning Koro sensei in the bag)~

We were all at the hotel, hanging out and having a blast.
I was with Nagisa, and (Y/n) was with Kayano and Rio.

"Hey Karma," Nagisa said.
"Yeah," I replied.
"So when are you gonna ask out (Y/n), it's obvious you both like each other," he said.
"I don't know when but I'm going to do it soon," I said.

Then all of the sudden...

Your point of view
~(•)- before Karma and Nagisa's conversation -(•)~

"(Y/n), Kayano, you should really try this," Rio said holding up her drink.
"I don't want to," you said.
"Same, I'm not thirsty," Kayano said.
"But you can't get this soda anywhere which makes it special," she said.
"No it's ok I do t really want any and if I your drink," you said.
"Ok," Rio said before she collapsed and you grabbed her before she hit the ground and put her arm on your shoulder.
"Rio, are you ok," you said worried.
Kayano put her hand in her head.
"She's burning up, she might have a fever," Kayano said.
Then all of the sudden Okajima had a nosebleed and some of your classmates just collapsed.
"This isn't good," Karasuma said as he hung up on the phone.
"What do we do," you said worried.
"See the hotel on the top of the mountain, we have to bring him up their with Nagisa and Kayano. If so he gives us the antidote, but we can't let them have him. He could just take Koro along with Nagisa and Kayano with the antidote," Karasuma said.
"Well I have a splendid idea...," Koro said as we all looked at him.
"Ritsu has just a finished the investigation I've requested. I want everyone who isn't ill to come with me but you'll have to wear cloths you don't mind getting dirty," he said.
You thought you were fine since you are wearing a white tank top with a jean shorts and black tennis shoes.

Ava-sama, Okuda, and Takebayashi are going to stay back to help everyone that has been infected as we get the antidote.

Let's do this!

-( time skip )-

After getting out of the van you all sat in that stopped on the highway, with no ones on it, we had to climb a cliff.

"This is impossible, they can fall and die," Jelavić exclaimed.
As Jelavić and Karasuma were talking deciding if we should climb it, we all started to climb the 'impossible to climb' cliff.
"Sorry but we can't do I-."
"Well this is a piece of cake," you all said as you all kept climbing the cliff.
"Well then let's go," Koro said as they started climbing, and in they as Karasuma had to carry Jelavić and Jelavić had to carry Koro.

"Why is this cliff so high and why did they put the hotel on it," you said as you slipped on a rock as Karma caught you by your arm.
"You've got to be careful," Karma said.
"I know and thank you for catching me," you said to Karma as you both were climbing the cliff.
"No problem just be careful," Karma said as you nod and kept climbing the cliff.

Koro: PLEASE DONT!!!!!!!!!!!!

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