Chapter 17. Summer

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Your point of view
It's was finally summer, it's was warm...well very hot out.
"Uhh WHY DONT WE HAVE A.C!," you exclaimed as you put your head on your desk.
"Well I'm planning to go to the North Pole," Korosensei said as his face looked like ice cream melting.
"Well at least we get to use the pool," Kurahashi said.
"Well, the pool is on the main campus and so we will get targeted by other students."
"Yah that's true," Kayano said.
"Well I could build us a pool," Koro said looking like a non melting ice cream.
"Isn't that going to take to long?"
"Just count on my super speed, but you will have to bring your swimsuit so follow me," Koro said as he walked out of the classroom and we followed him.
"Hm I wonder what you will look like in a bikini," Karma said to you joking.
"Uh nope because I brought a one piece," you said as you joked with him.

--(time skip cause your lazy author is lazy)--

Once we got their, koro went sonic and build an area to swim in.

"So I dammed up the stream so you don't go with it, and certain areas are deep areas so your going to have to be careful," Koro said to us as we nod.
"And don't forget to change in the changing area," he added in.
Little did he know we had are swimsuits on underneath our cloths.
The guys jumped in while the girl took off their cover ups and jumped in as well.
"I-I DIDNT TWLL YOU TO GO IN YET.. but just keep continue what your doing," Korosensei said as as he sat in the lifeguard chair.
Then you realized that kayano didn't jump in.
"Hey Kayano what are you still doing up their," you questioned her as she grabbed a raft.
"Well....I can't....swim," Kayano said quietly as she handed me a raft as she jump on it.
"Thanks," she said as I nod.
"No problem if you need me just call my name ok," you said as she nod as you swam away from her.
"Nagisa! I-I didn't know you were a guy," you heard Rio say as you swam up to her.
"Yah that's what I though since the first day of elementary school," you said as you and Rio giggled.
"I'm a guy AND (Y/ N) STOP JOKING," Nagisa yelled to you as you still were laughing your butt off.
Then you felt something pulling you down in the water.
"HEY WHO DID THAT," you yelled as you saw Karma laughing.
You had an idea. You went underwater, grabbed his arm, and pulled him underwater.
"HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR," he exclaimed as you stick out your tongue.
"Pay back," you replied.
"Fine," he said as he grabbed you and pulled you underwater with him.
You were kicking and struggling underwater trying to feet back up until he let go of you.
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR," you yelled at him.
"Hmm payback," he replied.
"WHAT PAYBACK," you said splashing him.
"(Y/N) DONT SPLASH ME WITH WATER," Koro-sensei yelled as he was freaking out.
You and Karma stared at each other and had the same idea in your head.
You both swam up to the legs of the lifeguard chair and started to shake it as Koro kept yelling at us to stop.
"Koro can you not swim," Karma asked.
"N-no I can I just do t want to get my hair wet," Koro said as he jumped  off of his chair.
"WHAT HAIR," you yelled at him.
So his weakness is water huh.
"A-AH I MEAN TENTACLES GET SOGGY," he shouted but it looked like he was about to cry.
You laughed as you you look to see how everyone was doing, but something felt off. You saw Terasaka not in the water, he looked grumpy.
"Hey I have an idea (Y/n), Nagisa come here I have a plan," Karma said as you swam to him.
"Since it looks like his weakness is water, what if we squirt him with water with water guns," Karma said as you and Nagisa nodded.
"Wait, we don't have water guns with us," you said as Karma pulled out a water gun and squirted you and Nagisa.
"I have pockets," Karma said as he handed you and Nagisa a water gun.

(What did you guys think where it was! Reader~chan your a pervert if you thought it was something else or it was somewhere else I am very disappointed)

You guys went over a plan.
You got up out of the water and went over to Koro.
"Koro there's something swimming in the water," you said as you were acting scared.
"Hm I don't think there are any fish in here but I'll look," Koro said as he went by the water.
Here's my chance
You tried to push Koro is the water but he moved out of the way and you fell in.
Before you fell in, Karma and Nagisa got a couple of squirts at Koro but that didn't do anything.
"HAHA (Y/n) YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE," Karma said laughing his butt off as you dragged him underwater.
"HAHA YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN YOUR FACE," you mocked Karma about what he said earlier.
You stopped and felt something suspicious.
"Karma something doesn't seem right," you said as you saw Terasaka walk into the forest.
"Hm what do you mean," Karma questioned.
"I have a feeling in my gut that something bad is gonna happen," you replied.
"Hm maybe you should find out what it is if it's bothering you," Karma said.
"Hm maybe I will," you said with a smile.

--(time skip by lazy author)--

It was the end of class but you decided to stay after to see what was bothering you.
"Yes you can stay and look around but I'm sure that everything is going to be fine," Koro said as you nod and went by the swimming area.

Once you got there and looked around, you felt like something's going to happen.
You decided to stay in the trees just incase.
"Maybe I'm wrong," you mumbled to yourself as you looked around again and saw Terasaka heading away.
What is he still doing here
You decided to follow him but as you kept following him, you noticed that it was getting late.
"Hello Terasaka," the guy in the white cloths said as you hid behind the tree.
"Hey I got the money, I'll trash the pool and use the spray thing on Koro," you heard Terasaka say to him.
What are you planning
"I notice that your not alone," Itona said as white tentacles grabbed your waist, arms, and covered your mouth.
"Hm but I didn't come with anyone.. dang it, someone must've been following me," Terasaka said as Itona pulled you out from behind the tree.
"Well now it looks like we have Miss
(Y/n), the top girl assassin," Shiro said as you were squirming around trying to break free.
"What should I do," Itona said as you felt like the tentacles squeezing you.
You tried to scream out in pain but it sounded like you were mumbling instead.
"We can't kill her but we could add her into our plan," Shiro said as he walked up to you.
"Hmm actually I think we can," Shiro said and before you new it, he punched you in the head which made you black out.

Wow cliffhanger! IM SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER BUT!! Remember that I'll be posting on fridays until softball season is done! See yah scouts!

I wonder what he's gonna do with you in his plan?! MAWAHAHA *cough*

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