Chapter 11. A special place+tagged

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Author-chan: WOW 200 views Jeeze thanks guys unless this is a joke.
Karma: YAY!!
Author-chan: and I think I'm improving on my writing skills so here we go! (Mine mine mine, sry I'm watching Finding Nemo right now+ I'm sick)

Your point of view
*Morning at your house*
You slowly open you eyes as a beam of light hits them as you wake up.
You tried to sit up but you realized that there was someone's arms around your waist.
You slowly turn over and saw a sleeping Karma hugging you.
You started to blush as you looked at Karma.
"He's very cute when he's sleeping," you thought and saw Karma slowly waking up and you pretend that you were still asleep.
"I know that your up," Karma mumbled as you opened your (color eyes which will be known as (C/E) sparkling eyes.
"Yep you caught me," you said as you looked at him as he opened his eyes
"Morning sunshine," Karma said as he was hugging you tight.
"Morning Prince Charming," you said hugging him back.
"Are you alright from the storm last night," Karma said kind of worried and you nod.
"Yah you kept me safe," you said staring in his eyes.
"What time is it," Karma said as he let go of you so you can see what time it is.
"It's 6:38 we have 22 minutes before the bell rings," you said worried.
"We'll make it," Karma said as he got up and you realized that the didn't have a shirt on.
"K-karma," you said as you pointed at him while you where blushing.
"Oh I'm sorry I just got hot in the middle of the night," Karma said as he put on his shirt and you stoped blushing...well you where still blushing just a light shade of pink.
"Okey you stay in here while I get dressed in my room," you said as he nod and you walked into your room.
After you where done getting dressed, brushed your teath bc there is a bathroom in your room, and brushed your hair, you walked out and saw Karma making toast (cause toast is good •w•).
"Oh you didn't have to do this," you said as you grabbed a piece of toast and grabbed your bag.
"Nope this is all for me," Karma said sarcastically as he grabbed his bag.
"Haha but we got to get going," you said as you grabbed his hand and ran out the door.
"Hey guys," Nagisa said running up to us as Karma gave him a piece of toast.
"Hey," you and Karma said as you both munched on your own toast.
"So, what's been going on," he said as he stared at us.
"Why are you asking," you said still munching on your toast.
"Well I saw you AND Kamra walk through your house and just now I saw both of you leave your house," Nagisa said staring at us while smirking.
"Well I asked him to stay over and we played video games," you said as you finished munching on your toast.
"Hm then why did Koro send me a picture of you both cuddling while sleeping."
"WHAT IM GONNA KILL HIM," you yelled as you ran to the school.

*at the school*

You opened the classroom door and saw Koro looking scared.
"IM GONNA KILL YOU," You yelled at him as you grabbed out your green knife thing and attacked him.
"D-DONT WORRY I ONLY SEND THAT TO NAGISA I SWEAR," Koro said as he started to break down.
"It's ok by don't...You....DARE SPY ON US AGAIN," you yelled at him and he was terrified.
"Good," you said as you turned around and saw Karma and Nagisa out of breath.
"Heh sorry," you said as you rubbed your hand on your neck.
"It's fine and Koro," Karma said and Koro was getting worried.
"You could have gotten a better picture," Karma said and you punched Karma in the shoulder and he just chuckled.
"Haha I'm just kidding," Karma said.
"Uh what's all the commotion about," Kayano questioned you three.
"Oh....nothing," you said and she nodded.
"Hey why can't I pull out my guns," the robotic box said with no emotion.
"Oh I duck tap you because you were annoying and some of us are trying to learn in here," Terasake said as he pulled out a duck tape role out of his pocket.
"Well if you want to be taped you have to work with the students," Koro-sensei said as he hold a flash drive in his...tentacle.
"But," he said as he went up to the robotic box.
"This will take up the day," he said as he put the flash drive in the box.
Then it shut down.
"Well let's get started," Koro-sensei said as all of the students sat down in there seats.

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