Chaper 21. Another vacation

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Karma's point of view
It's been about an hour since I've been sitting at this tree, with (Y/n) by my side sleeping when suddenly Koro sensei speeds to me.
"Hey Karma, I forgot to tell the class this when they left,but I've told them, but anyway since we got the most students in class E who have gotten the high test scores, we get to go on a field trip!"
"That's cool, so when do we leave?"
"........tomorrow," he said.
"Really," he questioned.
"Yes, now make sure you tell (Y/n) that when she wakes up, but this is really adorable, but before I forget, tell Ava-sama that she is allowed to come on the trip, since she is now back to be an assassin for the time being," Koro sensei said.
"Ok I will but how long are staying where ever we are going?"
"It's a 3 day, 2 night trip, and to get their and back, we get on a boat."
"Have a great summer," Koro said as he blasted away.

" *yawn*."
Karma looks at (Y/n) and see that she is slowly waking up.
"How long was I out," (Y/n) questioned as she rubbed her eyes.
"Hm I'm not sure, but Koro came by," he said lying about the first part.
"Hm what did he say," she questioned.
"That tomorrow we have a 3 day, 2 night trip, but we get their and back on a boat."
"Anything else?"
"Yah, from Koro he said that Ava-Sama is going to be with you since she is gonna be an assassin for the time being."
"That's great!"

Your point of view
"That's great," you were really happy. She is always busy since she travels a lot and she's always tired.
"Well I think we should get going, it's starting to get dark," he said as you nodded, both got up, and started to walk home.

-(time skip to your house after you said bye to Karma)-

"Hey (Y/n), how was your day," Ava-Sama said really happy.
"Good how about you," you said as you put your bag on the counter.
"Nothing much but I'm back to being an assassin!"
"That's great, so Ava-Sama, there's a sch-"
"Yes I know that there is a 3 day, 2 night field trip tomorrow, you'll be getting on a boat their and back and I'm allowed to go," she said cutting you off.
"How did you know," you questioned her.
"I know because 1. Koro came here to tell me and 2. I'm gonna help you assassinate him," she said.
"Do you know where it is," you questioned her.
"Not the place but how long the trip their and back will be," she said.
"How long," you asked.
"About more than 6 hours but it's ok cause I'm gonna give you something to get rid of your motion sickness," she said as you were relief.
"Know let's get packing because we are going to have to wake up early," she said.

Sorry this was short!
I am really tired and had a long week.
I think I'm just gonna post whenever I can because when I am ready to write, someone or something stops me, and takes me away from writing, but I'm gonna try my best to write sometime in the week.

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