Chapter 30

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Cazey p.o.v.

Ian and I are sitting at a park. We're sitting on a park bench by the duck pond. I already know where this is going. I glance over at him. He staring at the ducks. I look at the ducks as I throw a piece of bread out.

I put on a smile. "I know what your going to say." I say.

He looks over at me. I look at the pond.

"Just say it... Get it over with." I look at him. "Please."

He stares at me. "I'm breaking up with you." he pauses. "I never loved you. It was Sydneys plan. I also cheated on you mutiple times. You were so trusting. Her plan worked. Oh by the way, You made prom enjoyable." He winks. He gets up and walks away.

I stare at him. "Ian!" I yell.

Gosh, I'm pitiful. He stops. I get up and walk over. I stand in front of him.

"Please... Don't leave me."

He sighs. "Goodbye."

He walks by me. I grab his hand.

"Please." I say.

He yanks his arm away and looks at me.  "Why are you so attached to me?!" Ian yells at me.

Everyone starts turning and staring. I never thought I would become this way. I thought girls who did this was pitiful. But here I am... I'm exactly that type of girl.

"Because you made me believe in forever!" I say. Tears streaming down my face.

"That was your mistake." He walks away.

"So... If you see me with someone else... You'll be fine." I say.

I look at him. He stops.

"If I fall in love with someone else. You won't get mad. You won't care at all... Fine. I'll do that then." I wipe my tears. "I won't ever... Contact you. Look at you. Or even acknowledge you. If we pass each other we'll be strangers. Just like we used to be. Also... I regret dating you. It was the worst few months of my life."

I walk away. His words hurt more than I thought. My words hurt me to say. I'm sure... He didn't care though. It didn't bother him one bit. He can go back to Sydney... I don't give a damn.


I'm sitting with Opal in her room.

"Wow. You actually said that? The author made you one tough chick."

"Opal." I say. "There's no author. If there was. Ian wouldn't of slept with me then left me afterwards. It would have a happy ending."

I get up. I grab the pictures from the posterboard.

"Wanna burn these?" I say.

I toss them in the trashcan. I grab the necklace he gave me and toss it in the trashcan.

"Ian... Is nothing to me" I say. "I knew he could never change. I should've known better."

People don't change...

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