Chapter 12

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I grab my English book. I shut my locker as Opal continues talking about whatever she's talking about. I feel my wrist and remember the bracelet isn't there. I look at Opal.

"Opal. Did you ever find it?"

She frowns. "One. You interrupted me.  Two. No we never found it. I'm sorry."

"That's fine. I told him I lost it. I have English, right?"

She nods. "You remembered. I'm also happy to see you at school."

"I'm always at school."

"Not really."

"Leave me alone."

Jen skips up. "Hello squishys."

Opal and I stare at her.

"Squishy?" I ask.

"You guys are so loveable and squishy!"

"She's acting weird." Opal whispers.

I feel her forehead. "Not hot."

"Im fine. I just love you guys alot."

"Should we run?" Opal whispers.

"I don't know..." I mumble.

"Squishy. Squishy." She says. Giving a goofy smile.

"Hey tell the author to make her stop." I say.

"If the author obeyed us. You would have your bracelet."

"Where's your brother?" Opal ask.

She shrugs. "I think he got in another fight with his parents. He's gone off the charts again." Jen says.

"How many times does this happen?" I ask.

"Alot is all I can tell you." Jen says.

I sigh. "I'll be back. Might be late to class though." I give all my stuff to Opal as I walk away.

I leave the building and go to my car. I  look around at the cars before getting in mine. His car isn't here.

I get in my car. I start the car and drive off to the spot. I see his car parked and I pull up next to his car. I see Ian sitting on the hood of his car. He glances at my car as I pull up. He looks back at the view.

I get out of my car. I walk over to the hood of his car and sit beside him. He looks at me.

"You came?"

"When Jen told me you got in another fight with your parents. I left to find you."

He smiles. "To think... You used to hate me. Now you can't last a day without me."

I laugh. "Shut up. I just thought it was something a girlfriend would do."

He sighs. He reaches over and intertwines our fingers. "I'm happy you came." He lays his head on my shoulder.

"Do you wanna rant? I'm a great listener."

"It's just the same old thing." He hands me keys. "There's a cooler with drinks in the trunk."

He lifts his head up. I hop off the hood. I walk to the back of the trunk and open it. Grabbing a can of pop from the cooler. I close the trunk. I walk back and sit by Ian.

"They expect me to be like Jen. I'm never gonna be like her though. She's to good at everything. Shes super smart."

I hand him his drink. "Jen isn't perfect." I say. "She's like everyone else. We all have our flaws."


"Opal has her insecurities. She takes hours getting ready in the morning because she's super insecure about her looks. Jen. She's always worried about being smart and becoming successful. She always studies with me and Opal because she already knows everything in her grade, but she's still worried she'll fail in life. No one is perfect."

"What about you?"

"Me? Psh. I'm perfect." I say.

He laughs. He grabs my hand again. "You said no one was."

"I'm an exception. I'm perfect." I look at him. I make him look at me. "No matter what. You're perfect in my eyes." I whisper.

I pull him closer and place my lips on his. I wrap my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my hips. I pull away and lay my head on his chest.

"Let's go to school." I say. Jumping off his car.


"You got in an argument because your not like Jen. Skipping school ain't gonna help."

I go to my car. I see Ian get in his. He pulls out first. I follow him to the school.

We both pull in the parking lot and find a spot to park. I get out and walk over to his car as he gets out. He sighs.  I walk ahead of him. I stop and look back. I hold my arm out.


He grabs my hand. "If it means I can hold your hand. I am."

I smile. We walk into the school building together. He follows me to gym, but goes to his own class once I walk in. I smile.  He's going to class. He's actually gonna do better. I walk in and see Opal. I sit by her on the bleachers.

"He went to class. He's changing." Opal says.

I smile. "I know."

"Do you love him?"

"What? No... Well. I mean. I don't know."

"Guys!!!" Jen comes in. She runs up to my and sits down. "Ian came to school and went to class."

"I know. I kind of brought him here."

"This is crazy. He really does like you. Haha. I had my doubts after what happened when Sydney went to his house."

Opal and I both look at Jen.

"What?" I ask. "What happened?"

Jen looks at her phone. "Gotta go to class. Forgot we didn't have a sub." She takes off running.

I look at Opal. "That was weird... What was she talking about?"

"The author is one evil person...."

"Oh my gosh, we're not in a book!"

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