Chapter 2

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A/N: Ian

I continue my classes as normal that day. After school I sit on a bench outside, I set my stuff beside. I pull my phone out, calling my mom.

"Hello?" she says. "What do you want now?"

"I was wondering... Uh... Never mind." I mumble.

"Okay." She hangs up.

I sigh. I pull my phine away from my ear. I put my phone back in my pocket. I grab my car keys.

"Ooo, you drive?" I hear someone say.

I turn around and see a smiling Ian. How many sluts am I gonna deal with today? I roll my eyes and look at the floor.

"Are you here to scare me to? Because if so please just walk away now."

He jumps over the bench and sits by me. "Nah. Just wanna talk." He stares forward.

"If that was true. Hide your boner next time."

"What?!" He looks down. "What are you talking about?"

"Made you look." I smile.

He sighs. "That's not funny." He looks at me. A smile on his face.

I laugh. "To you it wasn't." I start getting up.

"Leaving already?" he ask.

I give him a confused look. "Well I'm not required to stay... Besides why would I stay? I hate this place.Also. I have plans." I grab my stuff.

"Plans? What plans?"

"Something that involves. My bed, laying on my bed and dreaming. It's called sleeping I think. Something along those lines. One of my favorite things to do. Oh and eating they're definitely tied."

I turn and walk away. I go to my car. I put my stuff in the backseat. I walk around to the driver side. I get in and drive away.

I honestly hate people.

I pull into my driveway.. Noticing no one is home. I get my stuff from the back seat and walk to my house. I unlock the door and walk in. Shutting it behind me. I put my keys in the tray on the stand by the door. I set my stuff down and take my jacket off. I hang my jacket up on the coat rack. I take my shoes off. I grab my stuff.

"I'm home." I say to an empty house.

I turn the light on. I set my stuff on the island. I grab a bag of chip soda and a soda. I grab my stuff before going upstairs. I go to my room and sit down on my bed. I grab out my homework. I plug my phone into my speakers and start playing music. I stand up. I grav a pair of leggings and a tank top. I change into my leggings and a tank top. I sit on my bed. Throwing my hair in a ponytail. Putting my glasses on and starting on my homework.

Once I finish I check the time. 9:00. I sigh. I start putting my homework away. I put it all on my nightstand.

I grab my trash and go downstairs.
I see my mom on the couch watching tv. She looks at me. I innocently wave.

She looks back at the tv. I glare. Throwing my trash away. I go back upstairs

I take my glasses off and put them in their case. I lay on my bed. Falling asleep.


The next day in English class. Ian is here. Sitting by me and talking to me. I'm ignoring him. Just like I do the teacher. I don't know why hes talking to me so much lately.

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