Chapter 6

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"That's so cute!" Opal screams.

I just finished telling her every little detail about the date. Even what we talked about.

"So. Are you gonna stay with him?" Opal ask.

I sigh. "Don't scream."

She nods.

"I guess I will."

Of course she does the exact opposite of what I said and screams.

"Author made me!" She defends. "I'm so happy!"

"The author is innocent. Don't blame her for your personality!" I say. "Wait. What am I saying we're not in a book?!" I say. 

"I wonder how I would be described if we were in a book." Jen says.

Jen is a pretty chill person. She's a sophomore. Younger then me and Opal, but still adorable. She's Ians little sister. She has brown straight hair thats really long. She wears alot of makeup. She sdoes alot of research so if you have a question. Go to her. She gets really good grades. She sometimes skips class. She definitely doesn't follow her brothers example. Thankfully. She's like my adorable little sister. Nothing like me and Opal. We're all three really different. Also, as mentioned before. Social media.

We're all currently in my room. It's a Saturday. I look at the time. Why did I pick up Jason's shift? I don't want to go to work.

"I wonder how Cazey would be described." Jen says.

"I know. Always either tired or hungry. All she does is sleep and eat. It's surprising she's not fat." Opal says.

"1. High metabolism. 2. I work too."

"It upsets me you can say metabolmis-whatever that word is, but you can't say mascara. How do you know that word, but don't know what mascara is?!"

Jen laughs. "She doesn't use makeup. Duh."

"I don't like how the author made you." Opal says to Jen.

"Hey! You love me. So does the author."

(I do!)

"So basically. Cazey the lazy sarcastic one of the group... I'm the girly one and book geek... Which one is Jen?"

Opal is a book geek. She reads alot. She mainly reads gay fanfictions online, but she loves a good romance book and has probably read every book out there. She's the go to girl for relationship advice. Also the go to for fashion advice and decorating. Sometimes we'll walk by girls and she'll over hear their drama. Then tell me how to solve it like I'm the one with the problem. It's creepy.

"The idiot." I mumble.

Jen kicks me. I laugh.

"Not being mean, but since she's a grade lower she is the stupid one."

"A grade lower and I can say metabolism." Jen says. "I'm still smarter then you."

I laugh. "This is why I love Jen."

"You guys are teaming up on me now."

"You teamed up on yourself..." I mumble.

"That's not possible." Opal says.

"But seriously. Jen is like the... Techy one." I say. "She knows alot about technology and knows like everything on the internet."

"She's probably more reliable than the internet." Opal says.

"Thanks." Jen says

"Do you guys think the author made us all meet by fate?" Opal says.

"How long do you think this book is? Everyone knows the book only contains interesting things or it won't be in there. Nothing really interesting is happening in our lives so therefore this isn't part of the book." I state.

"Happy you finally agree that this is a book." Opal says.

"I don't..." I say. "You're annoying." I hear my phone vibrate. "Jen can you stop posting me on your Instagram. I still havent cleared out my follow request from last time."

"So... Opal the stupid one of the group." Jen says. "Sorry, but Im always with you guys."

"And the annoying one." I say.

Jen nods. "Cazey is the fat one."

"That's fair." I say.

"And Im the perfect one in the group." Jen says, flipping her hair."

"You're the ugly one." I say.

"You're the boring one." Opal says.

"How am I boring?"

"I couldn't think of another insult."

I hear my phone vibrate. I check it. I give Jen a mean look.

"You gave him my number." I say.

"Oh no. Look at the time. I have to go."

She gets up and runs off. I get up and chase her.

We make it outside and I tackle her into the grass.

Opal walks out. "Looks like I'm also the mature one."

I smile and look at her. "Would the author describe you that way?"

She is indeed the most mature.

"I think so. Yeah."

"When did this whole author theory start?"

"Yesterday before my date. For some reason we were talking about books." I think back. "You were there."

"I just feel like we're in a romance book." Opal says. Sitting down in the grass beside us.

I get off of Jen and sit beside her. She sits up.

"If it is a book. Would it be in third person. Or first. If first who's point of view would it be in?" Jen ask.

"It would be first person and be Cazey point of view, because she's the one who has the dude after her. She's the main character. Jen... You and I have been push to the side." Opal says.

"We're just side characters!" Jen says. "I didn't know it would hurt this much..."

"You guys are my best friends."

"See that. We're just the best friends. We're just here because the story would be boring without us." Opal says sadly.

"That's probably true." I say.

"And so Cazey doesn't seem like such a loner.  Like in half your romance books the girl is always some loner chick with no friends and is being bullied then the dude comes in and changes her life. She starts having friends and the bullying stops. But then the jealous ex comes out of nowhere and threatens her. Saying if they don't break up she'll make their life miserable. So then she doesn't break up because she loves him with all her heart. So she kills the jealous ex.  Then she finds a way to get away with it. Smiling as she remembers how it felt piercing the knife into her skull watching the blood trickle down her face as her eyes go lifeless." Jen says.

"You lost me when you started talking about killing people." Opal says.

"Looks like Jen is also the brutal one." I say. I pull a flower out the ground.

Jen smiles. "Sorry. You guys know I like writing."

"Jen writes really good books." I say. "I love them."

"Seriously, all we have done is talk about books the whole time we were here." Jen says.

"We talked about our book." Opal says.

"Guys. I have a feeling this isn't gonna be like every other romance you read." I say. Blowing the petals off the flowers. It was one of those wish flowers.

"Yeah... You guys will have a kid then get pregnant." Opal says.

Jen and I burst into laughter.

"So we're gonna have the kid then get pregnant?" I say.

Opal sighs. "I meant have kid then get married..."

We all laugh.

That's definitely now what I meant though.

A/N: Actually putting pregnant was a mistake I made but didn't feel like fixing it. Sorry Opal.

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