Chapter Forty-Eight

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It was the beginning of the end.

A year of ongoing mysteries and unanswered questions, ready to be revealed by the one person who held all the answers.

It was late, later than a girl of her age should be out. Parading the street, clear intent and purpose in her eyes. A woman on a mission.  

The cold air brushed her jacket, the back of her neck feeling the harsh old.

The train tracks were empty as expected... not a soul in sight.

She sat by the grand old oak tree, whom she knew hid secrets and stories. A staple of the Riverdale community. Only providing her awful memories to resurface.

The bottom of her legs ached as she levelled with the hard ground, she rested her head against the hard bark.

It was time.

She pulled out her phone and clicked send.

Betty Cooper would be arriving any minute. She was ready to finish what she started.

Bettys legs ached as she rounded the corner from Pops. The train tracks were no longer that far away, just before the Drive in.

Five minutes until a years worth of research finally reveals its value.

Four minutes until she might possibly meet her mystery brother or sister.

Three minutes until it was all over.

Two minutes until everything would change.

One minute until she found out if it was all worth it.

Betty danced up the train track, balancing on and of its beams. Trying to keep her mind busy, trying to stop herself from going into over drive.

Time seemed to stop, as the great , green branches faded into view. The wind died down, the movement of the air stopped. It seemed as though everything was set in slow motion. As the tall, brunette stood. Turning to face Betty, her face still hidden as the change did not resignate with in Bettys mind. Her pink streaks dominating the scenery behind her.

Her picture perfect pout, her dark plum lips, her Smokey eyes... Her black leather jacket.

Stood by the old oak tree was none other than Toni Topaz herself, who had some how weasel her way further into Bettys life.

An unexplainable hurt ached in Bettys chest, so she wasn't going to meet her sibling. Tonis eyes were pleading with her, almost screaming out for her to stay and hear her out.

Betty approached the "not so mystery " girl, head clear and level.

"So your the one sending me these notes..." Betty asked shyly.


"Why? What do you know? How are you involved in this? Stop me when your ready to answer."

She stayed silent.

"I don't even know you... your just some chick my boyfriend knows. Why are you here? What do you know?" She repeated, flailing her arms awaiting an answer.

"You might not know me .. but I know you." Betty stared back, not believing a word Toni was uttering.

"I don't care.. the only reason I came was to meet my sibling, which you promised, and I don't see them any where near.." That was when the realisation hit her.

The dark hair, the green eyes , the ample shaped lips...

"Wait.... You're.."

A tear formed in Toni's eyes. "Surprise." She smiled a sad smile.

Riverdale: What no one saw coming...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang