Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Bettys eyes fluttered open. Her voluminous eyelashes batting against one another to rid of any residue. Her head throbbed painfully, even though she wasn't fully awake yet. It felt heavy and full, almost as if she were to sit up the weight of mind would surely crush her neck. Despite the outside landscape being fulfilled with dull autumn weather, the sky was clouded over, it was still bright to the freshly awaken teen. Her eyes squinted at the sudden change of tone. She rolled on her side, facing away from the window.

Then it hit her.

It all came flooding back. What happened yesterday. Jughead being arrested, her parents going missing, the whole serpent debacle... and then last night.

The sheets , now in front of her, were creased and strewn on their side. But they were empty. Betty ran her slender hand across the cold ,cotton sheets where he once lay.

She slowly drew her body up right. Stretching her arms over her head. She glanced around the room, all evidence that he was here was gone. His shoes, his shirt, his beanie. All gone, despite being distinctively thrown into the corner at eleven pm last night. She slipped out of the comforting, warm, safe fortress that was her duvet into the icy outland that was her bedroom.

It was eight in the morning, a solemn Saturday. She wandered out into the hall and down the steps of the stairs. If he were to be anywhere , it would be the kitchen.


Then she checked the living room. Empty. He wasn't in the house. The key  by the door mat supported this. The door had been locked from the outside , the key posted through the slit in her door.

She couldn't help but feel the pit of anger sat dormant in her stomach rise slightly. Why would he leave? What was he running from? Her bed head?

She retraced her steps back to her bedroom searching for a note or something of that description. Nothing. He just got up and left.

She decided to text him. Asking where he was.

He read it. No reply.

She never took him as a "kiss and run" type. She put aside her worries, showered , dressed and headed out of the door by eight fifteen.

She knew she didn't want to appear desperate searching for someone who clearly didn't want to be found. But she couldn't help it, working on the murder had brought out the adventurous , curious side of her. She headed straight to the place he set up shop, his own little fortress where he could be found every morning. Pops. The diner was barren, empty. All except for Pop himself prepping in the kitchen.

She stopped by the Blue and Gold , expecting to see him typing away furiously at the vents that had ust occur. She could already hear the quiet taps of the key board. Of course, it was ust her mind playing tricks in her, the room was empty. The budget school computer sat in the corner untouched, screaming out for attention.

She glanced toward the study room, locked up as usual. On a Saturday the only available rooms are those extra curricular.

Desperate times called for desperate measures, she thought to her self as she dialled Archie's number into the keypad. It rang for a while, she was about to end the call when a ruff voice answered.


"Hi Archie, um is Jughead there ?" She asked shyly.

"No doesn't he normally stay at your house now?" He asked his voice horse but sarcastic. He sounded distracted.

"Right.. but I cant fin.."

"Who's are you talking to ?" A voiced called out from the background of Archie's call. It was quiet but most definitely recognisable. It belonged to the one and only... Veronica Lodge.

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