Chapter Forty-Two

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Betty sat in the uncomfortable hospital chairs, pain residing sharply down her back. In her arms held the newest member of the Cooper clan. Born at twelve thirty, a little girls with bright blue eyes. Her God daughter.

Similarly, Jughead  stood by Bettys chair, his hands full. In his arms lay a sleeping baby boy born ten minutes  prior. He gently swayed back and forth, not really sure how to handle a baby.

Bettys eyes were locked with the bundle held in her arms. Almost identical to her mother. A birth mark just above her left eye, invisible in certain lighting. It made her unique , it made her special.

She had been by Polly's side through it all. Through the induction, through the contraction and the birth. Both babies had no name yet, Polly began to bleed abnormally after delivering the placenta. The on call doctor said it was most likely caused by her lack of medical preparation in her last trimester. She had been wheeled away in her bed , unconscious, after both her babies were stripped from her arms and taken to the nursery to be kept warm.

It was there Betty and Jughead stepped up, looking after them while their mother was in recovery. She was still in critical condition leaving a sinking feeling to this almost perfect scene.

Betty turned to Jughead, admiring the picture before her. He was cradling her nephew, a blatant and undeniable grin wide on his face.

"Hes adorable, isn't he?" Jughead said rhetorically, feeling her stare .

"Yeah he really is, you both look cute." She smiled looking him in the eyes.

Both babies slept soundly, without a stir. Giving Betty and Jughead a chance to talk freely.

"They said earlier that when Polly wakes up depending on how stable she is, it could be up to a month before she comes home."  Betty explained a worrisome look on her face.

"Well that was to be expected Betts ,with what happened?" Jughead danced around the subject lightly not wanting to talk about the negative.

"I know but the twins will be released tomorrow and I don't know what to do with them. I have nothing prepared, no where for them to sleep, nothing for them to eat, nothing for them to wear.." Betty listed, a ripple forming above her brow.

"Hey it will be okay. We can do this.." He said putting emphasis on "we".

"We?" She asked, shaking her head.

"Yeah Ill be with you every step of the way, even if Claire forbids it." He joked.

"That's cute but you don't have to do anything..." She smiled appreciatively.

"You don't have to do this alone, you have a lot going on all the time. I want to help you." 

"Do you know how to handle babies?" She asked sarcastically.

"No, but I'm assuming its a "learn on the job" task." He joked.

She stood carefully , mindful of the child she was carrying , and wavered herself towards him. She stood by him, arms touching one another. The dim hospital lights hitting his face perfectly, accentuating his sharp jaw line and pale skin.

"Thank you." She rested her head briefly on his shoulder. He leant down planting kiss on the top of her head.

Days had passed since their first encounter with Polly's twins. Polly had recovered slightly but was in no state to be held responsible for two new borns, she also insisted on them being taken home- not wanting them to spend any longer in the hospital. She wanted Betty to take them home and start them on a precise routine , one Polly had prepared well before the babies birth.

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