Chapter Twenty-Three

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Both Betty and Archie sat with their mouths hung wide open. No explanation could fathom what F.P could be doing here. He was no longer doing dealing with the serpents in order to get his life in shape, and even if he was , wasn't he meant to be a professional? Didn't being a serpent mean you knew how to evade the law whilst braking it.

After an hour of silence between them, Betty finally turned to Archie, once they were alone together and no officers were parading the scene.

"What is he doing here?" Betty asked shocked.

"I...umm.. I don't know. At first I thought he was here for Jughead but then I saw the hand cuffs and..." Archie was in so in distress he couldn't finish his sentence. Betty couldn't blame him.

"Have you got in touch with your Dad?" Betty asked changing the subject, hoping Archie can still conjugate words in sentences.

"Uhh yeah... he's on the phone with a lawyer as we speak. Jugheads case is a tricky one , right now he's in there with the county lawyer. But he wont do anything in Jugheads favour particular. Hes only there so Jughead doesn't do any damage he can not fix whilst Sheriff Keller discus's what evidence they have against them" Archie explained. He still couldn't believe what he was saying ... how could it be true? He was discussing the details of the defence of his best friends murder case.

"Well... at least that is a step in the right direction." Betty said looking down, knowing the harsh sadness that displayed in her eyes.

Before another word could be spoken, the very same officer that took Veronica to her boy friend stepped out from down the hall and headed straight towards him a strictly professional look hung on his face.

"Listen kids, you can go he doesn't want to see anyone else after that girl. So you can either wait for her or leave now. Your choice."

Bettys heart plummeted, a swollen lump sat heavy in her throat, her body ached and she could feel her tear ducts becoming full and heavy. She grimaced her hands, using her nails to cut into her skin.

He didn't to see her later.

Not now, not in a few hours.

He didn't want to see her at all.

After all they had been through together, she felt like he had thrown her aside when he needed her the most. When she wanted to help him the most. Her heart felt it had been stabbed with the power of an avalanche. She could tell Archie took it hard too. His face turning hard ,his cheeks turning red.

"Uhh.. we will wait. "Archie answered returning to his seat. And within a matter of seconds , out walked a Prada wearing princess with a solemn face. Seeing Bettys face she knew she had to do something ...even if that meant lying straight to the law.

"Umm officer... he's changed his mind he wants one more visitor. Betty Cooper" She spoke not looking directly in his eyes , scared he will see right through her.

"As he wishes.. If you would come with me Miss Cooper." Betty stood quickly in shock. What made him change his mind? She want waiting to find out. She trudged behind the officer down the hall turning left into the door that's been on her mind for the past three hours. The door that would open to reveal the answers to everything that was going drastically wrong in her life at the moment.

She took a deep breath as he opened the door. She didn't know weather she could do this. Face him after everything that's happened. But she was going to , it was to late turn back now.

As she steeped through the door of the small, windowless interrogation room shivers ran down her spine. The cold hard intensity of the room itself was too much to bare.

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