Chapter Seventeen

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Ascending up the dusty, unreliable stairs that led to the cold damp attic Polly once resonated within, Jughead shone the bright light from his black phone around the vast room. A sombre aroma filled the air, the room smelled of Polly and her Chanel perfume.

Pushing his worries aside , he forged in for his search for a duvet. He was to sleep on the floor beside her bed, he wasn't going to take advantage of her in this vulnerable state. The attic echoed with the creaks of the stairs and the whistles of the wind. Heading for the corner, around the area where he remembered Polly had slept. He avoided the lose candy wrappers and cans of coke that cluttered the floor boards beneath him. The bright , white cotton sheets were illuminated by the dull moonlight entering through the oval window .

Not wanting to stay any longer in the dusty, creepy attic, one that reminded him of what he could of helped prevent. Although, similarly to Betty, Jughead recognised that within his power and the timing there was no way he could of prevented what had possibly happened to Polly. Yet he still blames himself, every time he see Betty upset or in a state of grief. He accepted responsibility for something he couldn't control, that is what love does to him.

Wiping a drop of sweat from his upper brow, he grabbed the sheets using both hands. He turned to walk away pulling the duvet with him when a solid white envelope fell to the ground after floating briefly.

Assuming it was another victim of Polly mass junk food annihilation, Jughead ignored it and walked on. But something stopped him and brought his attention back to it. It was layed on the ground, seal up. Beaten by his curiosity, he turned around. He bent down and using his right hand plucked up the thin scrap of paper. He examined it, turning it over to reveal Bettys name written in cursive on the front of the envelope. This was a letter.

Continuing his initial mission, he place the thin letter between his top and bottom set of teeth a.Then using two hands, he carried the thick sheets down the steps cautious of the rickety ladder.

He dragged the duvet down the long hall, straight into Bettys room.

"Took you long enough, they weren't hidden were they ? No ghos.." Betty said jokingly, setting pillows and a blow up mattress on the floor. In order that Jughead wouldn't hurt his back on the cold harsh floor.

"....Betty.." Jughead said seriously, not replying in the same tone she had provided.

She turned to the obvious change in tone, To reveal Jughead standing with his arm outstretched towards he, the pure white envelope within his grasp.

"Its addressed to you," he said passing it into her possession. Simultaneously, she examined it taking in every small detail, from the curving on the letter "B" to the slight curl of the top left hand corner.

"Where did you find this?"  Betty asked not breaking  her gaze from the letter.

"I found it inside the duvet ..."

"Its Polly's handwriting..." her voice was shaky, not steady.

He placed his arm firmly on her back, moving in closer.

Slowly, she slid her finger into the seal braking it, out she pulled a folded A4 sheet of Paper with a small note in its centre. Together the pair read quietly in their heads with Jugheads head resting upon Bettys shoulder.

"Dear Betty,

                        when you are reading this it is too late I have already gone. I knew eventually you would look for me again in our quaint old attic. Just like when we played hide and seek in our youth. But now things are different , aren't they? Its not safe for neither me or the babies to stay in this town, not with the people in. And yes Betty, you are now officially Godmother too two babies, and you will get to meet them I promise.  I Just need chance to allow myself to be forgotten- to fly under the radar. Please don't hate me Betty, you will understand too one day when your maternal instinct kicks in and you will do anything to protect your children, even if that means giving up your life. But all you need to know now is that I'm safe, so don't sell yourself out by going tot he police or put yourself in danger by hunting me down. Within the next couple of weeks I will send you another letter. Until then, don't forget I love you and thank you for everything you have done for me. I will always be grateful..

All my love,

                       Polly XOX"

Everything about the letter screamed "Polly". From the cursive joint handwriting, to the love heart dots on the "I"s , to the smell of the paper, spritzed with Chanel her signature scent.

Once she had finished reading, Betty held the letter to her chest. A silent lonely tear streamed down by her cheek.

"She's okay, she's okay , she's okay" Betty repeated to herself allowing it to sink in, the realisation had ust hit her.

She turned and hugged him tight, not wanting to lose him like she lost her sister.

A yawn escaped her mouth.

"Okay... now its time for you too get some sleep." He said with a right smile on his face obtained from the great news. But the writer inside him wouldn't prevail, there was so many unanswered questions. Where was Polly? Who was she scared of? Was she forced to write the letter? He pushed all questions aside, that can wait until morning, his main concern right now was Betty.

"Your right... " Betty said getting into the bed and switching down the switch of the lamp, entering the room into a deep darkness.

Jughead layed down on his side facing her bed, the air mattress deflating slightly. Even with the pillows and blankets the floor was still uncomfortable. He tossed and turned , his mind and body heavy.

Without warning Betty sat up. she turned to him.

"The floor isn't going to get any more comfortable, I asked you to stay the least I can do is offer you a bed." She scooted herself sideways creating room for the dark haired boy. She patted to the left side of her bed.

Without hesitation, he got up and wiggled himself into the safe , warm sanctuary that was Betty Coopers bed.

He was spending the night, close- touching her.

He could not of been more at peace.

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