Chapter three

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It was dark in the attic. The moonlight from the small oval window at the far wall shone on Betty's head, Jughead couldn't look away. It was so beautiful. No,she was beautiful.

"hello, who's there?" Betty called. A shadow grew across the wall as a distant figure grew closer. Jughead stepped level with Betty, giving her a sense of safety. The figure emerged to reveal... Polly. She ran and submerged her sister in a hug. This was an embrace she missed so much. The sister she got used to having across the hall everyday for 15 years disappeared in the blink of an eye before Betty had the chance to know any different .Polly welcomed the hug, burying Betty's head into her neck. Sobs sounded from Polly's mouth.

"Jesus, Polly your leg!" Jughead cried.

Betty looked down to reveal a huge , bloody gash down Polly's shin.

"Oh my god Poll's , what happened? Juggie fetch me some sheets and the first aid kit! Its on the 2nd shelf "Betty panicked. He complied with her wishes and searched along the hardwood dresser.

"It happened as I escaped, you know through the window,"

"You should of gone to the hospital, why have you been hiding up here? I could of helped you" Betty stammered as she helped Polly to the cushion by the oval window.

"I know I was just so scar..."Polly was interrupted by the smash of an old vase they removed from the sitting room because as her mother put it, it made the room look tacky and cheap.

"Sorry..." Jughead shouted.

"I'm always here for you Polly, we can get through this together" the sisters gave each other a nod of appreciation as Jughead returned with the first aid kit and something else that Betty couldn't make out. Betty was trying to focus and stay in the moment but her mind kept reverting back to all the forms of affection he had supplied her that she had sadly discarded with fear, all she wanted to do was go back to the moment where their lips interlocked and they felt each other . Truly for the first time emotionally and physically. And she loved every minute of it.

"I think I found out who stole the sheriff's investigation board , the night of the drive in. You were right Betty, I think it was your Dad.." He lifted up papers and maps, dropping them letting them fall to the floor.

"I knew it, I knew it, now what do we d.."

"Do you think Dad killed Jason...because of the baby?" Polly stammered

They both fell silent and exchanged a look.

"I don't know Poll's," Jughead said sadly.

"The fact he did this proves nothing , but it does tell us he's trying to hide something..." Betty whispered softly while cleaning and strapping up Polly's leg.

"Have you eaten?"

"Where are you sleeping?"

"Have you taken your vitamins?" Jughead and Betty quizzed.

"Whoa, call yourselves what are you my parents? I'm a big girl who can take care of herself. I sneak down during the night to take food , I sleep on the old single mattress and blankets in the corner and I packed my prenatal vitamins In my ruck sack before I escaped. But I am running low..."

"Don't worry this whole situation will be resolved by then, I will make sure of it...for now let's get you some proper blankets and fresh clothes. And tomorrow I will try and find you some where better..."

"Thank you for every thing Betty, I love you."

"I love you too"

Herself and Jughead started down the steps, constantly looking back to make sure what just happened was real. Once they reached the landing they turned to one another.

"See I told you she was fine, right under our noses this whole time. "He said happily. He brushed her arm with his.

"Yeah ... thank you. For staying with me through all of this and all my family's crazy shit"

They shuffled closer to one another without even realising it. The air between them growing thinner.

"I would never leave you alone .. especially, not when .. you need .. me" he spoke quietly almost in whispers. Growing more and more distracted with each word. Her cheekbones, her lips , her eyes. The most beautiful face he had ever seen. Every thing about her was perfect. He could feel himself loosing focus but yet he was never more satisfied in his life. He placed his thumb on her chin, continuing to shift closer without moving his  yes from her face, her angelic features. Before either of them realised it they were leaning in aching for one another. They shared a sweet kiss, not a quick peck but not a tongue infested make out session. All either of them wanted, something to go to sleep thinking and reliving over and over again. They stopped for a brief second and the kiss turned to a hug , a warm embrace. She placed her head on his chest, feeling is heart thump loudly. She could tell it was beating quick just like hers. He placed his chin softly on the top of her head , breathing in a waft of her watermelon scented hair. His new favourite scent. And despite all the drama that was going on I their lives and around them at all times. Here , now they felt at peace with not a care in the world because they, Jughead and Betty, were in one another's arms. All there trouble melted away and almost like a movie they could see there happily ever after awaiting in the distance, together. But this wasn't a movie and alough they had each other, Riverdale wasn't done messing with them and the rest of the town yet...

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