S2 « Adjusting to Lòvê | Part I» #Ep3

Start from the beginning

"Give them time, people will come around" he said as he unzipped his book bag. I watched as he pulled out a textbook and study guide as I sat there.

Since people have found out, I've been looked upon different now. It seemed as all the people I thought were my friends slowly became non existent. People never made comments to my face but I knew they talked behind my back. The night sky soon blossomed with light as the sun was starting to shine.

Francisco was wrapping up his work as a group of people approached him. They stood a few feet away as he looked at me. "Your friends will come around bae. Believe me okay" he softly spoke before he kissed my forehead. "I'll see you after school" he pointed as he walked up to them.

Here I stand, friendless like my first day here all over again. Who would've know, stepping into a different light would cast a new shadow. A call that wasn't made by me but by the one I like. I Should be mad about the post, although I knew he meant know harm.

I should be embracing the fact I know one of the hottest guys in school, and he happens to be my boyfriend. It sounds weird saying and hearing that now. ' boyfriend ' I chuckled walking through the gate crossing over towards the freshman building.

Word really travels around here, I knew Francisco wasn't friends with any freshman's, but he did have a lot of followers on Instagram.  The second bell rung as I was just approaching the building door.

I became annoyed with the sight of the freshman lockers. The shape of the halls and mostly the people that filled them. Francisco was right, with time all this would blow over and people wouldn't care, but now I must face reality and be proud of who I am.

Walking into class taking my new seat away from the ones I associated with during my first few months here. Time seemed to pass slower at every second I glanced at my watch.

Seconds felt like minutes, and minutes felt like hours. Sighing as I had my head down writing on the worksheet. Math came to me easy as I solved the problems flipping my paper over, which symbolized my completion.

I felt a hand press against my back as my eyes open to my teacher nudging for my paper. Lifting my arm as she stood there examining my work. "Just want I expected" she smiled walking away as she moved to the next person who worksheet was turned over.

A sigh of relief flowed through my body as the bell rung. The teacher yelled out a chapter she wanted us to review for class tomorrow as I memorized it walking out the class door. Once I realize it was only 8:30 am my energy left my body. Today had to be the slowest day of my life as I walked the hall heading to my next class.

"Cameron" a voice called out as Karla stood between both of our class doors. Stopping in place as I walked backward towards her. She let out a smile with guilt between her lips. I was taken back by her embracing hug as she let me go.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled as I smiled. Sighing as I hugged her again. "I should've told you" I muttered as we rub each other back. "Yeah you should have, but it's okay. I shouldn't have treated you like I did, you're like my best friend here" she said as the bell rung. "Talk after class?" She asked as I nodded my head slightly smiling. "I'd like that" I added on as I walked into my class taking my seat.

Christopher Jr Pov:

Walking into class as Maya sat at our combined desk. The teacher wrote on the whiteboard as I was taking my seat. "I really had to drop my elective for this man, Can't believe they have us taking this parenting baby prep class" I shook my head as she was taking notes.

"It's important. Now pay attention" she argued turning my head towards the board as I leaned back in my chair. Sighing as my head feel backward from the boredom.

"This is a waste of time" I shook my head as Maya pinched my arm. "It's not a waste of time Jr. You don't know anything about raising a kid, we both made this discussion, now we have to face it head on, so are you with me on this or are you out? If I have to raise this child alone I will do just that without you" he she implied as she scooted her chair over.

Pulling her chair back as it scrapped the ground drawing attention. I stopped as the class glanced back at us. Maya sighed looking at me as her face blushed red from the embarrassment. I knew than I was annoying her.

She was right, we were in this together. Pulling out my pen and paper as she moved closer to me. She rubbed my arm smiling as I was taking notes. "I love you, and I'm sorry" I'm mumbled looking at her. She leaned over kissing me before we gave the teacher our full attention.

| To Be Continued |

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