UnReversed Curse Part 1

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So this is only part one so hold onto your breeches because its about to get ugly. -Sophers


Nate POV

I dug my head into my arms. Tears were dangerously close to falling but I refused to let them win. I choked on my own saliva as I tried not to think of what just happened.

Come ok Aryn I know you can pull through please don't let this win.

Clacking of shoes started getting louder as they approached me.

"Ahem. " spoke a feminine voice. I didn't look up and instead burrowed more into my forearms. Tears burned against my hot cheeks as I finally succumbed under their pressure.

"Mr?" She tried again.

"Please, I don't wanna talk. "

"It's about Aryn. "

My eyes widened and I sat up straight.

"What is it. " I pushed.

-------18 Hours Earlier-------

"Come on Nate!" Aryn squealed. Her hand coping mine softly. She yanked impatiently pulling me toward the mall.

"Ugh why to mall!" I complained.

"It'll be fun. We're not gonna go dress shopping I promise. " I stopped in my tracks.

"We're not?" Memories of Kate taking me to the mall rushed back to me. All I remember is sitting in uncomfortable seats as Kate pranced around looking at her boobs and butt in a mirror. Yeah mall trips were not fun. She was also obsessive over her figure so no fast food. Ever.

"Then what are we doing at the mall?"

"Skateboard shopping. I need a new one and there's a store where you can design your own. I wanted to get cute kinda matching ones with you. " She giggled while running to the gumball machine. She tentatively pushed down all the buttons and opened the dispenser to see if there were any left over candy. She frown when all but the last were empty. The last one, she twisted and the machine whirred. It dropped 2 gumballs and we both took one popping it into our mouth simultaneously.

"Mhmm. " She smiled with her gumball popping out the side of her cheek. "Nothing like food for free. "

"Let's go. " I laughed now pulling her toward the skateboard shop. We approached the side shop next to Journeys and stood in the entrance. The store was named 'Deckers' and it smelled like rubber. It looked like a long assembly like where you can pick different trucks, boards, and wheels. We walked in and a man with a wispy beard and about 14 piercings walked up. He checked Aryn out and she quickly reached for my arm and held it like we were a couple. The worker received the message and stopped.

Yeah that's right buddy look away. I thought with narrow eyes and a swole smirk.

Aryn and I walked along the isle picking pieces on out way down.

We chose white blank boards so we could paint them later, red trucks for her and black trucks for me, multi colored screws, and gray wheels for her and purple wheels for me.

The professional air brush guy printed 'Aryn' in huge block letters on hers and my name on mine. After gluing sand paper on the top and building it which took longer than we'd thought, our boards were finished. She grabbed a sharpie from a stand and drew a heart and signed it and handed the pen to me. I copied her and we both stood back to admire them. We paid the worker held then under out arms as we walked out.

"I have a gift for you. " Aryn giggled.

"I'm scared. What is it? "

Aryn held up two movie tickets and gift card to Chipotle. I laughed and grabbed her hand.

"Let's eat. " She laughed and trailed behind me naming off different food choices.


We both leaned back in our chairs. We rubbed our bellies on content of the food we just scarfed down.

"Man thats good. " Aryn sighed.

"Oh yeah. " I agreed staring at an empty plate. "Wanna go to See's and 'look for something to buy'? " I offered.

"What's that mean?" She tilted her head slightly confused and it was literally the cutest thing.

"What? You don't know about free samples at See's Candy? Oh man you poor deprived child. Come on. " I wicked grin stretched across my face and I pulled Aryn into See's. An old man smiled and handed us both truffles. Aryn ended up feeling bad that we were scamming an old man and bought something anyway. The couple behind us argued deep in conversation about whether the girl checked this guy out and the guy was being jealous. (Remember this couple)

When we were leaving, Aryn clutched the door way.

"What's the matter? " I asked concerned.

"Nothing. " she smiled shaking whatever happened off. "Maybe just a head rush. " I nodded not completely buying her story but continued walking to the theatre with our arms still linked.

Suddenly everything slowed down. Aryn's arm felt relaxed to a point where it was limp. I was holding all her weight as her legs were unable to hold up her body. Her head rolled back and Aryn fell sideways. Aryn was unconscious.

"Oh no. " I whispered. I yanked out my phone dialing 911 but since it was from my cell, they didn't know where we were. I quickly pulled her up into bridal style and laid down my board. Hopping on I pumped my leg as hard as I could out the mall doors. There was a hospital a few blocks down so O decided to get us there myself. We walked there so we didn't have a car but she wasn't heavy so I didn't mind.

My heart was beating out my chest and my head spun yet I miraculously kept going. I past houses and shops and weaved though traffic. The white doors were feet away but I felt like I was moving through molasses. They burst open and nurses who were startled, stopped. My voice didnt work as it died the minute my mouth opened.

"Help. " I croaked. The nurses rushed over with gurny and issued her away using there arms to stop me from going any further.

The wheels creaked quickly leaving me what felt like miles away.


CLIFFHANGER MWAHAHAH! Any who only I think 2 or 3 more chapters I've decided. Next update 2.2k AHH! Thanks so much for so many reads, in my opinion.







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