Not Hopeless

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Nate POV

Two weeks. For two weeks we fought over Aryn and every day I knew that Ryder and I were growing farther apart. We sabotaged each other's plan. We swore at each other and dough every night. I still remember the first time Ryder ever won in a battle with me. It was a singing competition and he stole Aryn away. He bragged how they went to House of Air and got Chinese food after. That motivated me to CRUSH him in everything.

It seemed like a cycle. I would win, he would win, etc. Was it worth it? Yes. At the same time, I fell in love in Aryn. Everyday. But everything seemed like it was moving too slow. Nothing was getting through. I refused to lose hope.

I sat at my desk, tapping my pencil trying to think of someway to get Aryn to fall in love with me without trying everyday. It was a lot of work. I stood up and started pacing. In frustration, I chucked the closest item next to me at my bookshelves. My alarm clock smashed into the books knocking over one.

"Damn. " I said under my breath. I picked up my alarm clock and turned it over. Wasn't broken. That thing is seriously indestructible. I walked over and picked up the book and papers slid out of the bottom. I placed the book on the shelf and crouched down. I sat on the carpet and examine the pictures. They were of me and Aryn. Our first 'date' after I knew about her condition. I smiled and felt warmth in my chest. I picked them up ad examined each individually. Us in my car, us at the movies, us crying from laughter.

I felt my brain circuiting and thought of a brilliant plan.

Aryn POV

The walk home from the diner seemed longer than usual. Peaceful, really. I just thought of school and any other random thoughts that would pop in my head. I've had Talking to the Moon and Our Song stuck in my head right now but I don't know why, considering I hadn't listened to it today. Actually, I had an odd dream last night. It was eerily life like. I was standing inbetween two guys. I've never seen them before but they both made me smile. They both gave me back genuine smiles and I felt happy. Why would I feel happy for 2 guys I've never met in my life? I don't know......

I reached my house and opened the door. Stepping inside, I took in the smell of my ready cake for Carson. The minute I stepped into the kitchen, there was something out ordinary.

"Hey. "

"You shouldn't be here. Who are you?"

"Long story. Just trust me. "

"Why should I? Huh. Like I said, I don't know you. " I was backing up to the wall slightly losing confidence over this stranger.

"Look, Aryn. Please. "

"You have 123 seconds. " He didn't give me a weirded out face and just nodded with understanding. He pulled out a CD and slowly placed it on the automatic CD reader. After a few seconds of processing, the screen flickered to life. I've never watched much TV my dad like it when I wasn't involved in creepy news. Realizestarted playing and I was drawn in with curiosity.

'Aryn. I know this doesn't make sense, but just relax and keep an open mind. ' was typed in huge font. A slideshow of pictures appeared. They were of me and this guy sitting next to me. They pictures shifted from one to another. Overwhelming with confused emotions. Should I be mad, sad, disturbed? It ended with a video. I was sitting on the couch with the guy and we were holding hands?

"Hey Aryn! This is Nate. "

"Hi Me!" TV me beamed.

"Hi?" I mumbled. The video was me explaining that I have a condition. I don't remember anything that happens after I go asleep? Do I believe this? I had trouble coping this, but I did believe what was happening was real.

"Aryn, you are having surgery on August 24. A day before school starts. Hopefully the operation goes as planned and you will remember Nate. "

"Or. Ryder. My younger brother. You love him too. " what? Two guys? Crap.

"Yeah. I know this is a lot to handle, but just relax. Nate is a wonderful guy. get to know him, again. " she laughed. I laughed? I don't know. The screen went black signifying the end. I just turned toward him.

"How. How many time have I seen that?"

"As of today? 4. "

"And what did I do?"

"You cried and 2 of the three you confessed you loved Ryder. " he confessed while rubbing the back of his neck. "


"Yeah. "

"Well. That makes sense. " he frowned.

"So you choose him again?" I looked like he was gonna cry his self.

"Well he didn't break into my house. Scare me and act all creepy!" I guilted him. He stared past my face.

"Sorry. "

"Why? Did Ryder do all of that to prove to me he loves me?" He gave me a confused look.

"What? "

"I could only dream someone would do this for me. I'm glad it's you. " I said. I leaned forward and pressed my lips gently on his. His hand went to my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck. That escalated quickly.

I'm soooo sorry. Such a shitty chapter. This was basically just a long way of saying Nate found a permanent way to convince Aryn to love him. Surgery in 2 weeks! Who's better? Nate or Ryder? Should she remember them? Vote an Comment and all that good stuff!! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️


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