Should I Remember You?

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Aryn POV

I flutter my eyes open as sunlight peeks through the blinds and into my brown eyes. I smile bringing my feet out and over the comforter to the side of my queen sized bed. Reaching my arms above my head, I stretched and felt my muscles pull. I subconsciously search the floor for my slippers, slipping my right foot in my slippers which are followed by my left foot. Leaning foward, I stand and tiredly hobble across the room. Before leaving, I grab my leather book, my phone, and a pencil before making my way to the bathroom. Laying my stuff down on the counter, I grab a brush and attempt to comb the rat nest I call hair. After about 15 minutes of furiously yanking, my straight, black hair dangles at my shoulders. I reach for my phone and turn in some music. Emblem3. Yes. I grab my toothbrush, apply toothpaste, and begin my daily routine. After getting ready, I walk back to get my clothes.

I slip on some tight skinny jeans with designs on the butt and a purple, waist-cut, kit sweater. I look down and smile at my black and green bra and laugh to myself. I choose some fluffy socks and head down stairs. Grabbing my book on the way down and shoving my phone into my back pocket. I feel a headache so I pop in a Advil and make some breakfast for myself. Waiting for my waffles, I begin to write in my journal.

Saturday, August 4, 2013

Today I have to bake a cake and wrap a gift, because I totally forgot it was my brother, Carson's, birthday! AHHH! I'm pretty sure he's at his girlfriend, Sydney's, house, but I can't remember if they broke up yet. Or maybe he's dating Kathryn? Other way around? I don't know, but I have like 8 hours to prepare so I'm not too scared. I really don't know why I'm writing in my journal, but I have the perfect gift for him! I got him this movie I know he really wanted to see about a year ago. I'm so excited but shhhhh it has to stay a secret until tonight.

I stand up and grab my chocolate waffles and start scarfing them down. I was craving waffles today. After finishing my breakfast, I start making the cake for him. I was in the mood for chocolate, so I made him a chocolate mousse ice cream cake. After about 3 hours of baking my complex masterpiece, I feel hungry for lunch and decide to go out. I walk to a small diner at the corner of my street and order a hamburger. I didnt realize but time went by fast as I just sat and daydreamed or thought to myself. I payed for the food and walked back home to ice my cake. I arrive to my house making sure to step over the hose and leap kinda gracefully over the broken step. I turn the knob and enter the always open house. The smell of my chocolate concoction is intoxicating and I run to the oven. I open it to reveal a beautiful one layer cake with tall and moist cake. I cut it open and add ice cream and ice it finally. After writing 'Happy Birthday Carsnip!' in pretty blue icing, I slump in a chair at the table and look around. I see a small note on the counter and stand to eagerly read it's fine calligraphy.

Bought some new Polaroid pictures. Go ahead and go to the performance hall to take pics.


I smile and pick up the brand new pack of picture paper. Running fast, I lunge for my camera and, leaving my car behind, run to the performance hall. I leap over the broken step, forget the hose and trip, stand up and break out running again. Turn left, turn left, and straight foward. I make it in time for the 5 o'clock show and barely slip in the already closing doors. I watch attentively and snap pics of dancers and singers. Satisfied, I start walking back admiring the pictures. It suddenly dawns on me it's my brother's birthday and my calm stroll, turns into a full on sprint to my house 4 blocks away from where the performance hall is located. I make it home at 7 and exhale to find my brothers car absent from the driveway. I walk inside and check my neglected phone.

Coming home now c u in 5

-Sent at 6:55 from Carson

Its 6:58 and I prepare to surprise my brother with my cake and gift. The door unlocks and he steps inside with his face scrunched as if prepared for my surprise. Hauling my 105 pound of weight on him, I yell SURPRISE!! He smiles a very unnatural smile and hugs me back. I hand him my gift and as if on cue my dad enters the room.

He's an old man about 5'10" with dark black hair with some gray streaking. He's kinda buff you can say but he considering his age, he looks good.

I land back on two feet and stare back at my handsome brother. Now I'm not saying I have a crush on my brother. Ew. How do I put this. My brother is a god. He has gorgeous sandy blonde hair and the physique of a professional football player. His dark brown orbs of eyes, that that sometimes look gray, glisten with happiness. He was actually one of those guys who was nice, smart, and attractive at school. He looks like he could be a a college student, but he is actually only in 11th grade. You could consider him a senior though, but barely. In exactly two weeks we start school together and I finally get to attend 10th grade at my high school. This time I'm not the weird freshman. This whole summer i tried eating more and I now have a curvy body like a supermodel. I've also attempted to remember to apply small amounts of make up every now and then, eventhough my clothes prove I'm not the typical girl who loves to shop and 'accessorize'.

"Aryn? Aryn? Hello?"

"What?" I answer quickly after snapping back to current time.

"Thank you so much" He lifts his muscular arms to embrace me and I return the hug. He laughs as he squeezes me tighter and I yelp in between laughs.

"That's enough Carson" commands my Dad after chuckling. My brother finally releases his grip and I land back on solid ground. Laughing I manage to speak words.

"Ok, Cake time!" We laugh and sing happy birthday and I'm pooped. I keep my eyes open enough to see him open the gift and see his reaction.

"Yes! Thank you I've wanted to see this movie forever!"

He looked sincere but something in his voice sounded doubtful. Did I get him the wrong movie? I offered to watch it but they claimed they were tired. I agreed because I was tired. I walked over to my dad and brother and give them both little kisses on the cheek.

"My two favorite guys." I sigh.

"Yeah and the only guys in your life." My dad added with sarcasm yet a hint of seriousness. I laughed and agreed for him.

"Ok sure." I joked. I walked upstairs counting the steps on the way up. 16 like usual. I entered my bathroom to get ready for bed.

I grab my toothbrush and apply some toothpaste leaning against the wall. I set my head down and think of what

school is going to be like, what the guys are going to be like, and how life will be so much different than the way I have it. I snap out of this trance because, honestly, its a creepy thought of my brother, father, or even my mom going away. My mom is in Washington right now on a business trip and even though she never got along well with my dad, I still miss her like crazy. I enter my bedroom, making sure to angle my blinds so they will wake me up in the morning, and lay my phone and book on the shelf. I crawl under my customized comforter and lay my head on my pillow. I can feel my head pumping loudly and it causes my head to hurt, but I disregard it and nod off into sleep.

Carson POV

I wait downstairs until my sister is fast asleep. I stare at my dad in thought and he stares right back. The dark room is left in awkward silence. I'm way beyond sleepy because college is super tiring. My job and college are definitely clashing right now and I'm struggling to maintain my grades and keep the constant flow of money coming. I hear her light snoring from upstairs and immediately we spring up from the chairs of the cold, wooden table. I quickly grab the movie and sprint to the closet. Grabbing the wrapping paper and tape. I slow my speed an start wrapping the movie delicately. In my peripheral vision I see my Dad taking the pictures and stashing them in a secret compartment. The drawer is practically overflowing with previous pictures. My dad grabs the camera snapping a pic of the cake she baked and threw the rest away. I creep upstairs to her room and silently pick up her diary. I rip out the pages in her diary and return the book back in it's former position. Looking over the room, I spot her windows open. I don't remember if I left them open but I close them and drop the shades. Leaving, I glance back at my soundly sister and feel the tips if my lips curl up into a smile. I turn shutting the door behind me.

So yeah first chapter of my very first book.....sorry if it sucks. Anywayyyyyy I hope your happy Elena this is a huge frickin commitment! Comment what you liked/or didn't and comment if it was good or comment if it sucks!! Haha! Later

-Sophers less than 3

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