Never Cross Me

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Nate POV

"Yeah. We'll it's your fault. " Ryder scolded while passing me in the kitchen.

I sat on the wooden high chair while Ryder walked to the stove. He tossed up his eggs and the sizzling continued. The sound always soothed me.

"Well. I apologized and she still won't take me back. "

"Well, let's see. 1. You called her a slut. 2. Poured your nasty backwash vodka all over her. And 3. She's not just another girl you've hooked up with. Obviously she's not charmed by boyish good looks. " Ryder listed.

"Boyish? I'm a man. " I exclaimed puffing out my chest. Ryder stared blankly at me then a smile crept up on his face. His hand clutched his stomach and he doubled over.

"No man watches Frozen and knows every line by heart. Do men like the smile of strawberry shampoo? Do men-"

"Shut-up." I interrupted. "Just tell me how I can get her back. "

"Well she's at a party right now with her crush since like 3rd grade. " Ryder said whilst chewing on his bread.

"How do you know this?" I love my brother but come on, thats a little creepy.

"She told me. "

"Huh. Well do I go over there?"

"That's a good question. If you go, you might creep her out, but if you don't and Adrian messes up then you'll be there. Like a rebound. " he smirked.

I scoffed. "I'm not a rebound. "

"Then what are you gonna do? I not trying to be mean, but I'm happy you're falling for Aryn. She's the only one who hasn't thrown herself at you. I enjoy seeing you struggle for once. "

"I know. It's a weird feeling. I have every other girl in my school practically wrapped around my finger. I have the pick of the litter, yet I choose this girl who doesn't want me. "

"Woah. Didn't have to get all mushy on me. " Ryder laughed stabbing a few pieces of eggs and inhaling it.

"Screw you, Ryder. " I stated plainly. I stood and left after receiving a cheeky smile from Ryder.

I plopped on my bed and stared at the Polaroid pictures tacked to my bedroom walls. Aryn, Aryn, they were all of Aryn. I made sure to bring a camera whenever we hung out. She was plastered on all my walls and tattooed on my brain. Ok. Think Nate. Go to the party and risk being a creeper. Or don't and possibly miss a chance.

Well. My last girlfriend did call me creepy one time.


Aryn POV

My foot made contact with Adrian's face. Adrian whipped to the side was after impact and turned back.

"You did not wanna do that. " He growled.

"Aw. Did I hurt your precious face. " I apologized sarcastically. Adrian lunged with both hands but I ducked under his bare arms. Punching his chest twice and sliding under his legs. He turned quickly and with me on the floor and him standing, I easily lifted my foot to make contact with his.......junk. Adrian released a high pitched scream and fell to his knees.

"Well that was effective. " I sighed. "That's what you get for trying to take advantage of a girl. And to think I actually had a crush on you. " I said placing my hand on the doorknob.

"Aw. How cute. She liked me. " Adrian chuckled in a strained voice. "Shame. I didn't like you. Casey dared me to see how fast I could get into your pants. Feel special now? "

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