Back Stabbing and Beat Ups

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Ryder POV

Nate thinks i didn't here him. Nate thinks he's going to get Aryn. Nate always thinks he's better than me. I lay in bed facing my dark blue colored ceiling. So captivating the shade. It made my eyes droop but I tried to force them open. I heard him downstairs making a racket. A fuckin loud one too I might add. I wondered what/how he expected to get Aryn to remember him but whatever it was, I needed to do the same. I say straight up and felt like a punch on my forehead. I fell straight back down on my Avengers pillow. Hey respect Marvel please.

AN: heck ya go Marvel Nerds

I rubbed my head remembering I placed a bunk over my bed with my desk. I like weird room set ups. I sat up cautiously and climbed out of my oh so warm bed. I limped over to the table and picked up my phone. I began frantically texting my best friend about my plan to get Aryn, but I needed an idea. Better inspiration. I decided to betray my bro for a little and get as much information as possible. I crept downstairs and it seemed like ever step was louder than it would have been to just straight up walk down. I cringed at each creak the wooded steps produced. I reached a corner and looked around. Paper was scattered in messy piles and half eaten food was lying around in convenient areas. Like next to the bathroom. I say Nate with his back on the couch and his eyes glued onto the flickering light of his phone. His expressions shifted like he was thinking hard and Nate thinking doesnt really turn out well. I dashed across the flooring to the wall at the other side of the hallway. I slowed my walk and leaned over to examine some papers. His hand writing was messy but legible. His i's werent dotted and for strange reasons, his w's were. I looked at my brothers intricate plans in awe. They were smart. Real smart and very unNateish, but I knew exactly how they were going to play out.

Nate POV

I was wide awake and up, at 6 am in the morning and by 6:05, I was dressed, showered, and doing jumping jacks downstairs. I was pumped for this. My phone rang in my right hand and I checked the screen.

-Ready for this?

From Keegan 6:10

-Not yet.

Read 6:10

-Y not? Someone scared?

From Keegan 6:10

-No. It's not time.

Read 6:10

Ok so I was scared is that a crime? I wasn't lying when I said it wasn't time though. I only knew that she would be at the diner at noon and the performance hall at about 4-5 and that was when I was planning to strike. I heard my brothers footsteps on the wooden steps. I couldn't help smirking. I knew he saw my plans on the floor last night his walking sounds like a elephant jumping. Not to mention I was right there the when it happened. He picked up Tuesdays plan and I knew what I was going to have to do to sabotage the plan. I started texting back to Keegan.

-So r u su


Shit what does she want.



"Yea. That's me. "

"I forgive you. "


"You remember that night at the club and we were dancing and then you came to my house? We slept together. "

Oh right. Whoops.

"Oh. Rightttt. About that. "

"So! We good! Do you wanna come to my house? My parents are away for the weekend and I have a feeling I'm gonna get lonely. "

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