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Nate POV

Her head slumped down again and I awkwardly pressed it back up against the seat. Her eyes still dripping with tears.

Oh Aryn. In all honesty, what I saw was scary. She probably could have killed that guy if I hadn't intervened.

I was scared for her. That's a lot of guilt that comes with almost ending a life. I would know. My parents wanted me to join the army like they did. They' longer around so you can see how well that went.

She mumbled incoherently in her sleep but her eyes clenched tightly together. She suddenly shot up from her seat, screaming bloody murder.

Her eyes searched her hands like they were gone and although nothing was different, she looked as if they were burning.

She turned quickly to look at me. Her pupils dilated and jotting around.

"Nate. " She mumbled.

"Yeah. "

"Where-where-what happened?"

"Just relax. " I spoke in a voice you would use when talking to a 3 year old. I killed the ignition and opened the car door. Running around the hood of the car, I opened the door for Aryn. She didn't bulge so instead I carried her. She didn't resist or move but just stare motionless at nothing in particular.

I laid her on the couch and sat beside her.

"You wanna talk about it?"

"I almost killed Casey. " Aryn started shaking uncontrollably and whenever someone did that I subconsciously wrapped my arms around her.

"But you have to understand that it was because he hit you first. "

The bleeding had stopped because wasn't a big gash at all but only deep enough to draw blood.

"I don't know what came over me. " She croaked. "I wasn't thinking. I just lashed out on him like a mad person. "

"You were threatened and all I saw was self defense. "

"But he never got a punch on me. He didn't fight back. "

"That's not what I saw. You were probably too caught up on what you were doing to him because you took some pretty big blows yourself. " I stood walking to the fridge and pried off a small mirror. I flashed it in her direction so she could get a clear image of her black eye and gash on her cheek. I also threw a pack of ice at her which she applied gently.

"So what I did. Wasn't a bad thing?"

"It wasn't a good thing. " I started. "But I could tell that what you unleashed wasn't just from tonight. The tension was so thick you could practically touch it. You just have to remember that he got what he deserved. It's going to be a weird feeling, but I promise that he's gonna be fine. Probably too intoxicated to even remember. "

"Ok. " She half smiled. "I do feel guilty but at least I know someone knows my story. Maybe I'll be able to get some sleep tonight. " She mumbled. I smiled back.

" Let's go to bed. " I sighed. She nodded and before she could take the spot on the couch, I lifted her and placed her body on my bed.

She giggled whole heartedly.

"Nate!" She laughed. "I'll sleep on the couch. "

"Don't be silly. You're the guest." I shrugged. She frowned.

"Fine. Then I'll sleep on this couch. " She pouted while making her way to the couch directly across from me.

"Fine. " I said stubbornly back. We both sat on the couches arms crossed against our chests but I could help but smile. I bit the inside if my cheek but a smile slowly crept up on my face simultaneously in sync with Aryn. We both laughed but hers died down quickly.

"Why were you at the party?" Aryn said in a voice that I could barely hear.

"What do you mean?"

"Why. I basically just told you I wanted nothing to do with you since school. "

I rubbed my neck and looked everywhere but her eyes.

"I liked you a lot when I first met you. Actually you were refreshing how different you were. But even though you were different I still wanted you to see if I could get into your pants. (A/N *gasp* twist) But after making you like me over and over and over again. I felt better. Just seeing you smile was way better than any of my one night stands. Making you laugh was way more worth than getting a girl to take me to her house. I realized that showing how much you care for someone wasn't just the physical stuff. I mean you definitely made me go mental, but it was worth it. Even if all we can be is friends. " I spilled.

"Nate. "

"Yeah. " I asked hopefully.

"You said that so fast and I'm sorry I couldn't understand a word you just said. " She smiled sheepishly. Just that small smile that didn't even reach her eyes was enough the make my stomach contort. It shifted making me feel clammy. I smiled back but inside my heart was flipping. It sent chills through my veins and goosebumps waving up my arms.

I repeated it slower and more confident and when I said it, I felt like I could finally breathe. I flicked the lights off while she laid there deep in thought.

"Thank you. " She finally whispered before fluttering her eyes closed leaving the room completely dark.

In the middle of the night I heard heavy breathing. Shuffling and movement. I opened my eyes barely to see the room still completely dark. The couch across moaned and croaked under Aryn's movement.


She bolted toward me and clutched my forearms. Her eyes glowing and looking straight into mine.

"Nate!" Her fingernails dug deep into my skin but I couldn't feel it with the adrenaline. "My hands. They're covered in blood. " She heaved.

"Aryn. " I said softly. I sat up and pulled her next to me. Her face dug deeply into my chest.

"Nate. Help me. " She cried. "Every time I close my eyes I see Casey on the floor. " Her sniffles turned to sobbing and I just let her hold me.

"I'm here for you Aryn. Always. " I assured. I hugged her tightly and her short breaths continued. "Aryn you are going to pass out unless you calm down. Trust me. I'm here for you. You are safe. You shouldn't feel guilty. "

"But I do. " She said slightly softer but still crying. "Guilt is all I feel. "

"Shhhh. Try to sleep and just remember I'm right here so nothing can happen. " I whispered into her ear. "Darling don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more. " I sang quietly. Her breathing slowed but stilled hitched at times.

"Don't leave me. "

"Of course not. " I smiled rubbing circles in her small back. "Of course not. "


Sorry unedited chappie. Kinda boring I guess but I no the upcoming ones are gonna be AWESOME!!!! This ones a shoutout to Weepster and Nicopico for voting so much.

Next update 2k reads!!! Ahhh! And 160 votes. That's for reading only 2-5 more chapters.






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