Hello world! -15

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"We're dating!" He cheered happily.

"Congratulations!" We all said back. Tyler came in and sat down beside us while Kathryn went behind the camera with Amy to help her set up the camera.

"Also mark, the vet called me instead of you, but they said chica's all recovered from her surgery and we should go pick her up either today or tomorrow" Tyler adds on.

"Y/n, are you excited to be on the live stream?" Kathryn asks me. I shrugged and sighed. "I guess so" I respond back.

She smiled at me and started to open her laptop to start things up.

"Okay, everyone in position please" kartheyn said as she focus the camera and opened the live stream worker. Mark smiled as Any and Kathryn counted down until the stream started.

"3. 2. 1. Go!"

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to the Q and A live stream with Ethan, Tyler, Amy, Kathryn... who are sitting in the back making sure nothing goes wrong, and my beloved sister, y/n!" He said happily. I waved to the camera nervously and looked over to the monitor that showed the chat.

Septicranklypto76: Ew, she looks like she doesn't belong

Photographylyfe124: is that the ugly girl in the leaked photo of Ethan?

Sarahplier84: she looks kinda weird, not like mark's sister at all, kinda ugly tbh

Suxyrex: now we all know who got the ugly side of the family

DrinkWindex42: did mark have a retareted twin? Lol

I looked at the messages of hate that continued to roll in. I didn't feel to well about them either. They were just provoking horrible thoughts in my and I felt stupid sitting here.

"Um.. maybe I should leave" I say quickly, standing up and walking out of the room and into mine.

I slammed the door shut and looked at myself in the mirror, their sudden thoughts about me replaying in my mind.

'Stupid, ugly, retarded'

I had been so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't  noticed Ethan coming into my room. He came up from behind me, wrapping me in what people would call a 'boyfriend hug' where the boy wraps his arms around you from you back.

"Don't listen to them, they're mean" he whispers in my ear.

"Don't tell anyone I said this, but I think you're gorgeous and beautiful and I think you deserve everything good in the world" he whispered again. I shuddered at his whispers, they were so sweet. So calming.

And that's why I did what I did next.

I turned around, cupping his face in my hands and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. His immediate reaction was to grip his arms around my waist and pull me in, kissing me back strongly.

We pulled away for air and he looked into my eyes.

"I've just got one question?" He asks me. I look at him in response as if I was telling him to answer. He grabbed my hands, squeezing them tightly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I laughed at him and hugged him. "Of course I would" I say. "Just,,, don't tell mark yet" I add on.


SHIIIIIIIT YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS HAVEN'T YOU? WELL SURPRISE!!!!! Anyways, my room looking bomb as hell and I'm pretty happy about it because it looks top notch 👌🏿.


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