Disasters -4

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"Mark, I can't go swimming today" I say.

"Y/n, c'mon! we're going to the beach, It'll be really fun" Mark pleads.

"Mark, I don't want too" I state.

"Awe why not?!"

Because I've cut my body more places than my wrist and I don't want you to know.

"Because I hate public swimming"

"Well, you can just sit on the beach, you don't have to get into the water" mark say matter-a-factly.

"I don't want sand everywhere" I protest, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Don't be a buzzkill y/n, just come with us!" Mark said. He grabbed my shoulder sympathetically and I retorted back.

"Mark don't touch me!" I yell before running up to my room and slamming the door.

I lid in my bed and groaned. I heard a knock at my door and I lifted my head back to yell "IF YOU' RE MARK I DON'T WANNA GO TO THE BEACH"

The door opened and I saw a blue haired man look at me. "Actually, it's just me, but mark sent be up here to talk to you"

"I'm not going to the beach" I say.

"Yeah, mark thought you'd say that, but he asked me to ask you if instead of you going to the beach, we could stay at the pool in his back yard because you don't like public swimming?" Ethan asks.

"I can't do that either" I respond.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Ethan asks me. I looked up at him and shook my head. "It doesnt matter, if I told you, I don't think you would keep it a secret" I reply. Ethan sat down beside me and looked me in the eyes.

"You know what? I'll keep a secret from mark, but only if it can be our little thing" Ethan asks, with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "You know that sounds really cheesy right?" I ask.

"Yeah, I know, but come on tell meeeeee!" Ethan whined, poking my face. I sat up beside him and pushed his hand away, looking him in the eye seriously.

"If you tell mark though, you're never going to see the light of day again" I say.

"I fucking promise" Ethan says seriously.

I sighed and looked down at my hands, pulling the sleeves over them and fiddling with my fingers. "I don't want to go swimming because I've got..... I've got" I say, not being able to finish the sentence.

I pulled up my shirt a slight bit and exposed my hip, and the scars running all along it. "They go down to my thigh and I can't let mark see them" I say.

Ethan stood silent for a bit before looking at me sympathetically.

"Well, if you go to the beach with pants and a shirt on, I don't think mark will see them. And if it makes you feel any better, I'll stay on the shore with you the entire time we're there"

I shook my head once more and laughed. "You're too nice Ethan" I respond.

"That's what makes me amazing!" He said with a wink.

"Okay, I'll get dressed and be down in 5" I tell Ethan. He left my room with a smile, leaving me to get dressed and ready.


Yooooooooooo more depressing secrets showed up in this chapter and just so you know, I am no stranger to self harm and I know what it's like so don't come for me! Btw, thanks for reading! I'm getting a lot of support and it's really motivating me to keep on writing!


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