Chapter 10: Reasoning

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was what Lavi heard when he was walking towards the cafeteria. He had met Chief Komui on his way and the Chief asked for Allen. 

He went into the cafeteria and stepped into what seemed like the middle of a muddle. Arystar Krory the third, the new Exorcist, was lying on the ground clutching his throat and was wailing. Jeryy had just finished explaining Krory's unfortunate soba event to Allen. 

Apparently, Krory thought the wanton was bread, the dipping sauce was soup and the noodles, Italian pasta. He ate each of them seperately and cried out when he gulped down wasabi. Lavi shuddered at that thought. He dislikes wasabi too. 

"Kanda, you should have taught him how to eat it correctly." Allen couldn't help but say.

"I don't have time to babysit unlike you, apparently." Kanda retorted cooly and started walking away.

Lavi decided it was time to say something.  

"You done eating already? Do you have an assignment to get to?" He started cheerfully.

"I'm heading on a mission to Denmark." Kanda replied as questioned. 

"Oh at least you are staying busy, Yu." Lavi commented. 

Kanda shot a GLARE at him. "How many times have I told you not to call me by that name?!"

"Woah there," Lavi's hands automatically moved to a "calm-down" gesture, then he turned to Allen, "Speaking of missions, I ran into Chief Komui earlier and he said he wanted to see you."

Allen received the information nonchalantly. "Oh maybe the Chief has a mission for me too."

Then both Allen and Kanda left the canteen.

Lavi spotted Snow White washing some dishes after ordering his meal. She was working so earnestly. Was she the same girl who drugged him last night?

"Here's your yakiniku!" Jeryy served him with much enthusiasm. Krory was fine now, so Jeryy's also back to normal. Jeryy must've caught Lavi staring at Snow White, because he said, "She's one fine assistant! Won't mind having her help out everyday."

Lavi muttered a thank you and quickly finished his meal. Snow White wasn't an Exorcist yet. Wasn't she supposed to be one the minute she arrived at the Black Order? 

He decided to ask Snow White about it. Lavi waited outside the kitchen backdoors as he thought of lines to greet her. It can't be common, he knows.

Maybe he can say "How's your day so far?" but he knew that she might just give a one-word reply. Snow White was predictable.

Just then, a pair of laced leather boots and the hem of a white summer dress fluttered beside him.

"Snow White." he greeted. "How's your day so far?"

Snow White wiped the sweat of her forehead. She had rolled up her sleeves and braided her hair for the occasion. "Productive, " she replied, then shot a glance at him. "Unlike somebody."

Lavi felt a pang of guilt stab his chest. He was supposed to report in for a mission but here he was, waiting for Snow White and thinking about pickup lines. Then he remembered the real reason he sat outside the kitchen door. 

"Chief Komui had yet to make you an Exorcist." Lavi stated. Snow White's expression wavered for a while, then returned to her usual face.

"I told him that I wanted to work with Jeryy." Snow White said. Lavi could see it in her grey eyes that there was more to it. Lavi thought of a wicked trick.

"The Chief with the blonde hair and glasses?" Lavi asked her.

"Oh yes, he's the one. Was a pretty scary guy, your chief." Snow White lied. But Lavi knew the truth now.

"You're lying." He pointed out. She twitched. "Our Chief has extraordinary purple hair."

"You tricked me!" Snow White blurted.

"Why don't you want to become an Exorcist?" Lavi persuaded.

"Because it ties me down to the Black Order and I don't like it!" She snapped.

Lavi was quite taken back by her frankness but had a vague sense that she was telling on half the truth. Even then, Lavi decided to forgive her for lying and to be honest, he was feeling a little bad himself.

"What if I could persuade you?" Lavi asked. There was a tinge of mischief in his green eyes.

Snow White bit her lip and put on her cold front. "You can't. I've made up my mind."

"Maybe." Lavi smiled evily. 

He had a plot going on in his head now and nobody can stop it. Not Bookman, not Chief Komui nor Allen for that matter, and especially Snow White.

"I'll definitely make you an Exorcist."

The Difference Between You and I (D.Gray Man fanfic) (Lavi Story)Where stories live. Discover now