Chapter 21: Exchanging

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"Strange little girl, I held you like a candle caresses its flame. Darling little Sarah,  or shall I reveal your true name,  Snow White?"

A grey shade shifts in Detective Exo's green eyes. They turn a darker green, resembling a wilder forest, much unlike the lustful secretive Exo who kisses Snow White in her pleasure spots. The friendly twinkles are gone. 

"What do you want?" Lavi growls, protectively guarding the brunette.

"An exchange." Exo replies calmly. "A secret for that brunette."

"I have no secrets that you are interested in." Lavi answers back.

"Oh not you, her. You're not the one I'm bargaining with, it's her. You're boring, nothing interesting about you. She will answer me." the detective replies hotly, his hands reaching out to grab Snow White. 

Lavi nearly punched Exo,save for Snow White pushing him back. "I'll give him what he wants," she hissed. 

Detective Exo straightened his back, and stood expectant. All the Exorcists watched as Snow White strode across the room and stood a feet separate from him. Snow White tiptoed and leaned into his ear, whispering a little secret. 

Unexpectedly, Exo reached into her dress and pulled a white gem from her cleavage

"It's mine now." He plants an aggressive kiss on her neck and vanishes into thin air. 

"That bastard!" Lavi cries, fiercely hugging Snow White. He watches as the bruise darkens on her neck. A terrible love bite. Snow White turns to go, Lavi escorting her out. 


He sat in the corner, as she lay on his bed. They are not talking, not yet anyway. She was silent, her mind only focusing on the white gem that he pulled from there. Curses, revealing her pleasure spot in front of all the Exorcists, Snow White could've killed him right there. But it was her fault too. 

"I hope you can please me." She muttered softly. Lavi cocked his head. "Pardon?"

Snow White sat up indignantly, her loose white dress sliding off a shoulder. "PLEASE me." She demands. It is pitiable to be born as the Heart. Now contrary to most believes of Exorcists, Snow White is the incarnation of the Heart. But the Heart has a weakness - an undeniable crave for lust. Legend has stated that there were two Hearts, one that craves love, the other, lust. After much extensive research, and confirming this fact with Exo, Snow White has come to realise she is the White Heart - the lustful one. Exo needed to know which one she was, his eyes can see much more than the weak spots of Akuma. It can sense the Heart as well. Exo told her the other Heart will reveal itself soon, though Snow White was doubtful of its return. 

Lavi sat unmoving, then got up, walking to her. 

"Do you need a cup of tea? The stress of the situation is entirely understandable, and I can assist you in any way ....." Lavi started, but Snow White clasped the back of his head and pulled her towards him. Lavi enjoyed the kiss, Snow White leading him further and further into the depths of his fantasies. 

When they finally let go, he was gasping for air. 

"Wow. That was intense." He noticed her hair sticking to her skin, moist with sweat and lust. Her gray eyes were not quite satisfied yet. She placed her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. 

"I can't hear your heartbeat." She toys with his jacket. "Maybe you need to take it off ..."

"O--okay." Lavi unbuttons his jacket and Snow White turns around. When he was done, he taps on her shoulder, but she does not respond. Lavi peers over and finds that she is fast asleep. He smiles and slid under the covers as well, hugging her. 

Snow White slept a little while and woke up discovering Lavi asleep hugging her. Snow White turns and kisses him from the lips, then moves south, leaving a trail from his cheek to his shoulder bones. He stirs in a desire to respond, but she places a finger on his lips. Intially he licks it and she retreats. He respects her decision to continue but finds it extremely hard to not respond.She continues kissing his torso, biting, licking and Lavi's breaths were fast paced. 

"Snow White, I'm sorry." He finally says, pushing her off and landing on top of her. "You were enjoying a little too much."

"Oh you weren't?" Snow White playfully answers. Lavi tugged at her dress and to his surprise, it slid right off her. "Don't you wear anything else underneath?" He asked, staring at her full breasts and slender body. Her skin was so white, so smooth, Lavi just felt the urge to devour her.

She shields herself playfully with a blanket and reaches up to kiss him, "I am a whore and you're a virgin." 


Lavi woke up earlier, still excited by Snow White. Wow she was good, Lavi thought. And he is still a virgin, Lavi realised. As much as a whore Snow White might be, she did not pull down his zipper. Which was a little strange and disapoointing. Again, she fell asleep at the best part. 

The sun was just rising up the hills and Lavi wore his uniform, and walked outside. Reever greeted him. Both of them stared staring at the sun, Reever holding a mug of coffee.

"Had some fun last night?" 

Reever started. A mental image of Snow White's *ahem* feminine features came into mind and lavi blushed. Reever smirked a little.

"Bet you did." He continued sipping some coffee. 


Meanwhile, after Lavi left, another red head entered the room.

"You look ravishing." The older guy commented. 

"Shut up." Snow White answered back. She slid her arms back into the duvet.

"Hey i was enjoying the sight of your arms." He said, "Never thought you'll turn out this way. How was the boy, good? Bad? Rate out of ten?" 

"Master Cross, have you tried me?" Snow White asked, revealing a portion of her back.

"No, though I daresay it's tempting." General Cross replied, then peering in closer to her ears, "But anyone who has ever tasted your power will soon rot from inside. You're not the real Heart, you're the fake one, the bait to lure the real one out."

"Exo was rotten alright, just as you said. I am afraid Lavi will as well. They do share the same blood." Snow White reported to her master.

Genera Cross shook his head, "It will not do. You cannot house the White Heart. It will destroy you. You have to give up the last shard now. You do have two Innocence after all, the subtraction of the Heart does not affect you."

"I need to think." Snow White says, her fingers rubbing her temples.

General Cross pats her head. "I'm sure Leah would be happy, Astonia.'

The Difference Between You and I (D.Gray Man fanfic) (Lavi Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora