Chapter 8: Enjoying

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Lavi popped his head into the kitchen. "Snow---" He began happily but was smacked by a frying pan. 

"Get outta here." Jeryy made his point. Lavi looked up above him. Why would Jeryy shoo him away from the kitchen? Then he took a look behind him. 

All the Exorcists were peeping a way or another into the kitchen, trying to get a glimpse of Snow White in action. No wonder Jeryy was having such a  hard time.

Lavi apologized and walked away to his room. Eventhough it was only a brisk five-minute walk, but it felt like a dead-end marathon to Lavi.

Every Exorcist was talking about Snow White's cooking. And he was the only one in the entire Black Order who didn't even get to sniff the aroma of her food. It was unfair.

He sulked in his room. He didn't even go down for supper. His tummy was rumbling but he actually felt like a real teenager for once. Rebellion. Lavi wondered if he liked the sound of that. 

Then he heard a knock on the door. 

"Go away..." he complained, then buried his face further down his pillow. 

The door swung open and Snow White stood there, her face telling him she was insulted.

"I have gone out of my way to cook ESPECIALLY for you and this is how you treat me?" She shouted. Lavi gulped.

"I'm sorry, Snow White." Lavi mumbled. She placed the tray of food down on the edge of the bed and pinched him. "LOUDER." She demanded.

"I'M SORRY!" He hollered into her ears. Snow White smiled. "Have dinner."

Lavi ate the pork buns cheerfully and stuffed himself with the fried noodles. He was about to move to the mango sago dessert when he realised they were all Chinese cuisine. "You know I'm partly Chinese?" She nodded. 

"A little birdie told me." She said secretively. Lavi wanted to question more but the mango sago suddenly shone brightly and he absolutely had to eat it.

Snow White started to stroke him unconsciously.

Lavi slowly moved from his current position to resting his head on her lap.

She continued stroking him. His soft long red hair, his ears, the blue bandana. Then the stroking slowly ceased. Lavi and Snow White just stayed there for the moment. How long did they meet? It was only a day.

So many things can happen in a day. 

So many things can happen when we are trying. 

And just then, Snow White disappeared. 

The Difference Between You and I (D.Gray Man fanfic) (Lavi Story)Where stories live. Discover now