Chapter 19: Returning

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"Have you gotten everything?"

The redheaded detective asked his fiancee. She nodded, pulling her white shawl closer.  

"Do we have to go back?" She asked.

"Sarah, we've been through this." Exo returned, turning the key in the lock. Click. He pulled her closer, resting his chin on her head, stroking her hair.

"You smell good."

Snow White nuzzled deeper into his chest, his long limbs enclosing around her. It was comofortable, safe, easy but in the same way ....

... just like a cage." 

As they entered the black carriage and views of the town zipped past, Snow White could only look at the    roses, lining the valley like dewdrops on a leaf.  Dewdrops in the shade of crimson, and the valley seemed to have survived a shower of crimson rain.

Crimson, like the colour of Exo's hair, which now falls around her, shielding her view outside. What have she done? She played cruel games, attracted Exo in one of it, played with him and now, she wants to leave him. Snow White bit his soft lips. 

Exo bit back. Confusion, she sensed the feeling through his kiss. 

No, don't be, she kissed back, softly, assuring. She had played the game and won. But leaving the game means a forfeit, and a forfeit means someone has to pay. But Snow White doesn't want to pay.

Selfish little girl, selfish little Daddy's girl. Just like her father.

Her father who manipulated the Black Order years ago and escaped with her mother, Leah of the Walker family. Leah, who no man ever courted because of her curse. The Walker family was cursed, still cursed until someone breaks it. But it was not broken yet. Snow White was bound by the same curse.

The curse to kill, lie and die.


"Sir, we've reached the forest." the horseman said, pulling the carriage over. He was a young lad and his face was red with all that he heard.

"Oh?" Exo replied. He buttoned his shirt and pulled on his jacket. Snow White took up her shawl and roughly finger-combed her hair.

Both of them walked out of the carriage, hand in hand.

"Here you go, laddie." Exo said, tossing a coin to the boy. He thanked him, but his eyes were caught with Snow White's. She winked, then rejoined her hands with Exo.

The horseman blushed and pulled the horses away.

Exo and Snow White walked on, heading towards the tower at the edge of a cliff. They were ... returning.  

The Difference Between You and I (D.Gray Man fanfic) (Lavi Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora