Chapter 20: Changing

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"So ... you're Detective Exo Kruz from Rose Valley." Komui says, scanning through a files of papers. Exo eyed it suspiciously. 

"Just Exo." He shifts in his chair. It was uncomfortable in the bookshelf-lined room, where uninviting chills bounced from wall to wall. In fact, there doesn't seem to be a spot of wall. Every single spot was covered with shelves, books, or stacks of files and papers. It's bloody messy in here. 

Exo looked anxiously towards the door. Upon arrival, they were separated. A girl in black pigtails and Exorcist uniform whisked her away into another room. They were hugging so he'd assumed they knew each other. 

But what is the nagging feeling he had? 

A picture of a redhead, like him, green eyes and an eyepatch came into his mind. What was his name again ... Lavi? Yeah, Lavi. The guy that looked shattered when Exo lied about Snow White being his fiancee.


Of course. it was a lie. The first time Exo did Snow White he knew she was not a virgin. He did a few himself and could only assume that Snow White was equally as popular as himself. Who could stay a virgin with a pretty face and mysterious background?

Nobody knew where Snow White and himself came from. That's to be expected. Both of their parents were Underground Exorcists, people whose affliation with the Black Order is known only to the Generals.

"You're free to leave now. The Black Order will contact you if we need your assistance." 

Komui's voice interruptted Exo's train of thoughts. Exo leap from the chair, placing a hand out to shake Komui's. A firm handshake, a nod of agreement. 

"Thank you." Exo said. Now his mind drifted to Snow White. Where is she? Where would his darling girl be? He walked out through the doors. turning from corridor to corridor in search of the lady in white summer dress.  



Was the first word Snow White heard when she entered the canteen. Then she saw Allen walking a little hurriedly to her. His face told her he had many questions to ask and yet couldn't decide how to start. She smiled empathatically at her little brother.

"I'm alright. It's alright. Just .... we'll talk later, okay, Allen?"

Snow White said in the most sisterly way, ruffling his white hair as she turned to face Lavi. The red-haired bunny wasn't amused. His striking green eyes, usually resonating with cheekiness, is filled with envy and were as cold as emerald. The chill bounced off his eyes and went straight into her heart.

"Lavi ..." She began, but Lavi swooped down to kiss her.

The canteen burst out with hoots and catcalls, Allen's face turning a deep scarlet and Lenalee's face was even redder that Allen's. Only Kanda seemed unaffected by the commotion. His main concern were the soba was sticking together. Damn the soba, Kanda thinks as he weaves awesome chopstick skills through the buckwheat noodles.

They might have been standing there for a minute or so, but it felt like hours to Snow White. Lavi's forgiveness, desire, relief flooded through the touch of their lips. Like a butterfly fluttering against a red rose, so was the kiss Lavi gave. Soft, innocent, light; unlike the heavy hungry kisses Exo gave, the kisses that branded Snow White to be his. But Snow White in her heart knows, Lavi was her true love.

"You're mine." Lavi whispered as they lips parted.

"Oh how romantic." A figure by the door remarked sarcastically. He is a detective, a red haired lad like Lavi and sporting the same green eyes. Exo Kruz.

The Difference Between You and I (D.Gray Man fanfic) (Lavi Story)Where stories live. Discover now