Chapter Seventy-Eight

Start from the beginning

"Wait," she said before opening the door to one of the bathrooms and pushed him inside. "You're going to want to brush your teeth for this, trust me." Before he could even question why she closed the door behind him to give him some privacy. He was bewildered by her behaviour, even though he knew very well that Kefira had a tendency to act a little odd and crazed, especially on Christmas. But this was advanced against her usual. 

However, he respected her advice and brushed his teeth until his breath was fresh and minty. When he opened the door, Kefira was waiting for him with a big smile before she grabbed his hand and pulled him along again.

"Can I ask what's going on?" Neville questioned as they were walking towards the front door of the home. "Are we...we're going outside but-"

"We're going outside for your Christmas gift, Nevs, now come on, you trust me, don't you?"

"Of course I do, I'm just confused, that's all," he said as he watched her open the door, only enough for her to poke her head out and observe. He walked over to see what she was looking at but she quickly pulled her head back and slammed the door behind her. The same smile on her face, seemed to be growing with every passing second as her eyes grew wider. 

"What are you-"

"Are you ready?!" She nearly shouted before clapping her hands over her mouth before looking around. The household remained silent as she removed her hands and decided to repeat her questions in a whisper. "Are you ready?"

Neville wasn't sure what he was agreeing to as he nodded his head but if it made Kefira as excited and happy, he was sure it was going to be something amazing or something to look forward to. She motioned him to take a couple of steps forward before she opened the door. When the door opened, Neville was confused as he only saw Bandile.

"Uh, Bandile is my Christmas gift?" Neville asked feeling more confused than ever. 

"What? No! Bandile, get out of the way!" She ran over and pushed her uncle to the side to reveal two people standing on the Walsh porch. Neville's lips parted slightly as he stood completely still staring in the direction of the man and the woman. He couldn't think of anything to say or what to do in that time as his mind drew a complete blank. 

Kefira looked to Bandile with a grin. "I think he likes his gift."

Before even the discussion of the Christmas holidays, Kefira had hoped to come up with a gift that would top the autographed copy of Neville's favourite book by Tegwen Gittins. She confided in Bandile, knowing that he could assist her like he had done in the past. Bandile knew exactly what to do as it seemed Mrs Tegwen Gittins-Scamander owed him a favour from years ago when he led her on an expedition in South Africa for several plants that she was searching for. The woman told him that she definitely owed for his assistance and well, Bandile figured he could actually take the woman up on the offer finally.

He got in contact with the elderly woman who had finally retired in her old age to Dorset with her husband, Newt, and their kneazles and plenty of plants. If she was willing he hoped that she would come out and meet Neville during the holidays, if she could spare the time. Once Tegwen pieced together that Bandile was connected to the young girl that had contacted her for an autograph for the same boy, she figured that it would be absolutely no trouble to come out.

However, her son, Wren J. Scamander didn't want her travelling alone in her age and with the blindness in one of her eyes going completely and decided to accompany her as he stood beside his mother. He looked similar to his father, in the same way, Newt looked as a young man. The reddish brown hair colour, paired with his mother's brown eyes, and their lanky builds. Kefira and Bandile stood back allowing the interaction between Neville and his idol go on.

"You must be Neville Longbottom," Tegwen said her nearly white hair falling into her face as the wind blew slightly. "I've heard so much about you and your extreme dedication to Herbology. It's truly admirable."

Neville had to keep pinching himself to convince himself that he was actually awake and not dreaming. He looked back to Kefira and Bandile for confirmation and they nodded their hands encouraging him to talk to her. She had her own Christmas plans planned with her husband and grandchild waiting back home, so she couldn't stay for too long. Neville seemed to finally pick up on the idea that he needed to talk. 

"I am such a big fan of all your work!" He blurted out as he walked over quickly to shake her hands. "Truly, I own a copy of every work you've published, I even had some of your old published dissertations about the work that you did while you were in Brazil.'s such a huge honour to actually meet you in person."

"Well, I am very flattered, but I think the true honour lies with meeting you," Tegwen told him. "I have heard many amazing things about you from Bandile and from your special lady, Kefira. They have told me about all the incredible things you have accomplished and I have to say before I leave here I might be asking you for an autograph to bring home with me. Just so I can have the braggings rights that I met Neville Longbottom."

Neville was practically in tears to hear the woman say such a thing and he was still in complete awe that Kefira had been able to pull off such a gift for him. It made his gifts look like nothing in comparison and he just thought that nothing could top the autographed book. He was entirely wrong, there he was talking to Tegwen as she asked him about his Mimbulus Mimbletonia. Which, of course, he had brought with him to keep an eye on it, he offered to show it to her. She readily agreed and the boy ran inside at a rapid speed. 

"It was a very sweet thing to think of for him," Tegwen approached Kefira as she stood there, waiting for Neville to return.

"He deserves it," Kefira told the woman, " I mean, he deserves the world, but I haven't quite figured how to give that to him yet. I'll get to it though eventually. But for now, I think you're the next best thing. He's always raving about you and your work, and I thought it would really mean something to him to actually meet you. He'll treasure this memory forever, I'm sure."

"You ought to give yourself more praise," Wren spoke up with a hearty chuckle, " after all, so far I got a couple pair of pants for Christmas. Not sure the reasoning why everyone feels the need to give that as a gift. My father and I even got a couple of ones to match..."

Tegwen turned to him. "As many times as you and your father get your arses lit on fire messing with those damn salamanders you need more pants in your life. You're welcome."

Kefira chuckled at the woman's fiery response for turning to Bandile. "Okay, now I understand why Neville likes her so much, she's amazing."

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