The door swung open a few minutes later and Niall pounced on him. Careful not to squish him, as he wrapped his arms around the tiny omega, pressing soft kisses to his head. 

"Ready to leave boo?"


The alphas sat in the living room after Niall made it very clear to them that what Louis was going through was a horrible cycle of hormones messing with his mind and his body tried to adjust in his own skin again, them hovering above him would only intimidate him and scare him more. Fear and guilt rushed through their veins, there was surely some fault in their parts for being so ignorant and careless. Only on the news channel and school text books had they seen these situations, it was much worse to live through one, especially when you were partly to blame. 

All heads turned to Louis when he waddled in the room, only now aware of how tired he was feeling. Wordlessly the pack made their way to the car, Liam driving and Zayn taking the shotgun, Louis placed between Niall and Harry. Harry's  protective hand rested on Louis' knee and Niall's arm wrapped around the back of Louis' neck, acting like a neck pillow. The whole ride was silent, everyone too lost in their own thoughts.

Being famous came with its pros and cons, one of the pros being that getting an appointment with one of the best doctors was fairly easy. They were quickly rushed into a private check-up room from the parking spot to avoid any fans from spotting them. The hospital was filled with sick people needing attention and fans mobbing the area was the last thing they needed. 

The room was plain and sterile, the smell reminded him of the first time he passed out at age 15 from nearly overdosing on suppressants and waking up in the local hospital with his father looking like he wanted to kick him.  

Doctor Maximus Sullivan, as the plaque on his table read, sat on a plush chair. He signaled for the others to sit down, everyone taking a seat on one of the velvet chairs except Louis who was asked to sit on the examination chair (it was normal velvet chair but closer to the doctor).  

"Louis, can you take deep breaths for me please." He knew what was wrong, Dr.Sullivan was a specialist in treating abused omegas. The grim looks on everyone's face just confirmed his suspicions that they had recently discovered this. 

He put his stethoscope to Louis' chest and listened to Louis' heartbeat. Repeating the same process on his back, slipping his hand under Louis' shirt to get a better listen. He joked down some notes on the small notepad in front of him before continuing. 

"How long have you been taking these suppressants?" 

"Umm... Since I was fourteen, that was... eleven years ago."  To say the pack was shocked was an understatement, Louis had nearly surpassed the longest known omega to live on suppressants, who had lived for 11 years and 9 months before he died. The doctor just frowned as he furiously scribbled down some more notes. 

"and I'm assuming you haven't had your heat except for the first one, back when you were 14?"  Louis just softly nodded, suddenly feeling extremely tired. 

"I'm gonna do an examination now, just a simple to see your physical health is. Would you prefer if the alphas left the room?" 

The alphas really tried not to voice their sounds of protest knowing Louis might not want them in the room. Louis softly shook his head again and the doctor would tell them anyway. The alphas smiled slightly, happy that Louis wanted them around.

"Go stand on the weighing machine please." Louis quietly obeyed, the weighting scale reading 45 Kilograms (99 Pounds) and checked his height 5'6 (170.68 cm). He scribbled down this piece of information before asking Louis to sit on the examination bed. 

They were general tests to see his reactions to pain and measure reflex time. Eventually, he asked Louis to remove his hoodie which Louis did as slowly as he could. Hesitance and reluctance clearly visible, but the doctor didn't rush him. After treating patients for fifteen years, he knew better than to hurry the victim. 

Once the hoodie was off, scars were on complete display as multiple gasps went around the room. The doctor, of course, tried to be as professional as possible but this had to be one of the worst cases in his entire career. The scars were deep and some were huge, which the same area had been cut over multiple times, never healing. Louis avoided eye contact with everyone, too embarrassed to look at anyone. 

The doctor began feeling Louis' stomach and rib cage, making his way around his whole torso. His face made it clear that it wasn't good news. He pinched some places around his stomach but Louis' lack of reaction made his suspicions clear. Something inside was very wrong.

"I'm afraid Louis' gonna have to stay here for a few days. We need to do things like CT scans and MRIs to see exactly what we're dealing with. Currently, he's extremely underweight and his heartbeat is irregular which could mean arrhythmia. That can be extremely fatal and we'll need to keep him under supervision. However, I can arrange a room where at least two of you can stay overnight. It's more helpful in recovery if someone is there through every step of the way." 

And there's nothing they can do about it, so they go over to Louis (who's put his hoodie back on) and hug him. Soft kisses and soft whispering in his ears. All they can do right now is comfort him. 

It is what it is.

Hi, sorry for the late chapter. I have exams (again). Also, it's like 3 am over here so I'm really sleepy and really sorry for any typos or grammar mistakes. Anyways! thanks for reading so much, every single one of you.

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all the love, xx

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