Chapter 11

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Returning downstairs I am much more casual in a white fitted t-shirt, flared jeans, and nude baby doll pumps. Chris is sporting a blue button up, khaki pants, and blue loafers. Definitely much more relaxed.

A staff member escorts us to the interview location, which has been set up in the foyer.

"Wow! Much better than when you went upstairs." Evana jokes.

"That was just a moment for us." I look up to Chris and rub his back.

"Oh absolutely! That was what we wanted. It was real. Now let's get to these real answers."

Chris and I both sit close on the couch and look to Evana.

"Are we rolling? Ok, good. Christopher and Janay Court, voted one of top 10 cutest couples in the NBA. How does that feel?"

"Janay?" Chris looks to me.

"It's a funny feeling actually. It's one thing to know that people look at you and scrutinize your clothes, whether you were at a game or not, who you hang out with. But to know that people look at our relationship, our marriage, and have viewed it in a positive light...I'd have to say it's humbling."

"That's a word that has been going through my mind: humbling. That and shocking. It never crossed my mind that Janay and I would be sitting here being interviewed about this. Ever. I mean, we do our thing and just try to keep our marriage together and raise our daughter right."

"Well, as you can see people are watching. It's beautiful that you all are humbled by this." Evana replies. "Would you like to know what place you got?" She leans in.

"Sure." Chris chuckles.

We could care less, but for the camera, Chris spoke correctly.

"Number four!" She claps excitedly. "Ayesha and Steph Curry are number one, followed by Lebron and Savannah, then Dwayne and Gabrielle, and then you both rest right in at number four. So tell me, how did you two meet?"


"Tell me more, Chris."

"It was Janay's junior year when we first met. I was already three years in the NBA and I went back to UCF to speak. I'm actually an alumnus. Go Knights! So, I was speaking and Janay was a part of the group that greeted me and had to take me around. I'm not going to lie, baby was thick in all the right places."

Oh my goodness! I drop my head in my hands as everyone laughs around us.

"So I noticed her body, but again not lying, I noticed others. It wasn't until I returned the next day for the training camp that I noticed her sitting in the bleachers during a break and she was in a textbook. Her hair was in a ponytail, she had glasses on and a highlighter was in her hand. Just to make conversation, I walked over and started talking to her."

"Chris, you were doing so well. Evana, he walked over and asked if I wanted a picture with him."

"Ohhh, Chris, come on, keep it real, now!"

"Ok...ok." He puts his hands up in surrender. "She knows this: I, for some reason, didn't know what to say to her as I was walking over to her. Words just left me. So I asked her if she wanted a picture with me."

"Real smooth." I joke.

"She said she didn't want one with me but that she would love some of me signed for the kids back home. So I'm thinking, 'Why doesn't she want one for herself?' I asked her and she said that she just didn't want one. That had me floored! So picture this: I'm at a loss of words around this girl and now she doesn't want a picture with me."

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