Chapter 6

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Decent wouldn't even be the word to describe my relationship with Chris' mother. We have never had a full-blown argument, however, we have come pretty close. It's not my fault that all she does is sit down when her husband says sit and rolls over when he says to roll over and I don't do that for Chris. There is a difference between being submissive and being subservient.

That being said, I wasn't surprised when Kennedy said that she overheard her darling grandmother refer to me as such. I had to let Kennedy know that it is not a word that people are to use because it can be offensive and Chris and I are raising her to respect the feelings of others. I doubt Wanda said that for Kennedy to hear; most likely she was on the phone cackling away like a hyena with her fellow hags that she calls friends and Kennedy overheard.

My mind can no longer linger on such miniscule shenanigans as I have a busy night ahead. There is too much to get through until we get to the door to leave. Giani did pick out our attire and deliver it which cuts down on the amount of responsibility I have. Having just one stylist makes my brain a lost less frazzled. I just have to make sure that everyone is dressed and by the door at the right time.

After I shower I slip into my fluffy blue bathrobe. Kennedy is sitting right on my bed with her father and her eyes look up expectantly at me as I walk into the bedroom. I am my daughter's glam squad. When she knows that we are going out she will ask me if the glam squad is coming, in her own way of course. When I say "yes" that means that her glam squad is coming

I pick her up from the bed as Chris continues to watch ESPN and take her to her bathroom. Chris will bathe her because once I have my nails done, I won't be able to. She picks out royal blue nail polish.

"To match my dress, Mama." She tells me.

No TV is needed to keep her occupied because, for some reason, this girl enjoys watching her nails get done. By watching I mean leaning over and blocking the light to watch each stroke of the brush. As she sits and lets her nails dry I do her hair and wrap perimeter down and then place a bonnet on her head to protect the bun.

"Alright, Ken, you're done for now."

"Thank you, Mama." A kiss on the cheek and she off calling for her father. I can hear the moment her feet stop running and she starts squealing in glee. He must have picked her up. At this age, I couldn't tell if she was a Mama's Girl or a Daddy's Girl... either way she was our girl.

The doorbell rings and I welcome in the glam squad. Such a team consists of a hair stylist, make-up artist, and a nail technician. I am set up in the bathroom and one technician works on my hands while one works on my feet. This takes places of the massage that I have been meaning to go and get.

"Hmmm, that feels so good."

My head leans against the back of the chair and I bask in the pleasure.


I roll my head to the left. "Yes, Kennedy?"

"Daddy won't give me my toy back."

"Ok, Kennedy, I'll talk to him."

"Thank you, Mama."

"That was easy." comments Anne, the technician working on my feet.

I smile and close my eyes, melting back into the comfort of the chair and the silence.

Mrs. Court...Mrs. Court...

What is that?

Mrs. Court...your nails are done...

My nails?

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