Chapter 4

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The wheels ease to a halt in front of the wood planks of the restaurant. Undoubtedly this place has the best seafood sandwiches and salads that I have ever had. The nautical theme enhances the overall food experience. Anchors and ropes and nets adorn the walls and windows along with shades of blues and reds with white and some orange. The decor plus the food makes this one of my favorite places to come by for lunch and even a midnight snack. Yes, midnight! What makes them unique is that they open at twelve in the afternoon and close shop at three in the morning. From opening to closing their food never waivers in quality and I am a firm witness to that.

Paparazzi swarm my car when the door opens. Luke is already in front of me with Aaron to the left of my door. Young girls with their cell phones are intermixed with men with camera flashes. They scream my name repeatedly and ask that I look their way. Luke and Aaron remain the barrier between outstretched grabby hands as I try to walk to the door of the restaurant. When I married Christopher Court, I knew what that entailed. I do smile and wave for a few seconds, then keep my head down the rest of the way.

"Your shoes are so cute!" A voice yells.

"Thank you." I reply blindly.

Refreshing cool air replaces the heated air from outside as I step across the threshold. Flashes continue to go off at different heights even though I am already inside the restaurant. The hostess sees me and immediately moves.

"Mrs. Martin called and told me that you were coming."

Before moving on I turn around to nod to Luke when I see Stacy walking up. Her highlights are gorgeous in the sun. It was a daring move for her to get the honey highlights but she did not go wrong. The color compliments her brown skin tone.

Stacy is married to Kyle Anderson. They have been married for two years and she has two little ones, one for each year that she has been married. They actually met at the hotel that the team was staying at for one of their away-games. She was the receptionist at the front desk when they came in.

Since being married, her adjustment to the fame and fortune is the typical one. Her family is from the middle-class and then she married into the NBA and now she sports Prada, Louis, and Cartier as if they are second skin. Her being humble is the beautiful thing. She hasn't become big-headed or snobbish. Of all of us that will be here today, she is the youngest. However, that doesn't keep her from keeping up with us.

People call out to her she takes the time to stop and give them what they want. Pearly whites flash back at the camera with each pose that she serves. She walks up to a reporter and converses with him for a few seconds before letting out an adorable giggle. At one time she mentioned that she was all into the arts, more specifically acting. Her engaging personality definitely supports that.

When she finally makes it inside she does a light jump before smiling hugely and running over to me in her six inch heels. The hug is surely caught by the lenses outside. Our attention is brought to the door when we see another car come up.

Dana steps out of her car and waves three times before dropping her head down. Many may not have caught the sigh of frustration she made before she started walking. She is not too big on the paparazzi being around her when she is trying to be "normal". That means while she's eating or out spending time with her family. Unfortunately, those are the times when the paparazzi want to be around.

Her natural hair is being pushed behind her by the wind and the brown tint can be seen by the sun. I absolutely am in love with her straw curls! When I first saw her hair I heavily contemplated going natural. With ebony skin and a strong facial structure and a glorious mane, she exudes fierceness. She is not the one to play with.

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