Chapter 10

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All props to Giani for this dress! From the color to the embellishments to the length of the dress. The low-sitting neck line accentuates my bosom. Cream-colored flowers create the sleeve and adorn the left side of the dress alone. The chiffon flows behind me, flowing from one step to another as I walk down the stairs. Chris is matching in a crème suit, white shirt, and stripped patterned crème tie. My man looked good from his head to his toes.

His hand encases mine as we decline the stairs. The most attractive piece on him today, is his wedding ring. The only other piece of jewelry on him, besides his wedding ring, is his Audemars Piguet, his gift from me for his birthday last year. The only other piece of jewelry on me is a pair of pearl earrings.

By the large window showcasing the backyard is equipment setup for the photoshoot. People are walking back and forth talking into an ear pierce and some are carrying equipment to another location. Giani and the make-up team has set up in an open space for touch-ups.

At the bottom of the stairs Chris tugs my hand and turns me to him.

"How's my tie, Jaybird?" he whispers.

I assess the long cloth and tighten it up just a tad. After I nod in approval of my work, he leans down and kisses my lips.

"Come on, handsome. Let's do this." I cheese very hard. Something I can't help but do around him.

I see Evana walking over with her earpiece and clipboard. Her footsteps quick and purposeful.

"Look at you two, look at you two! Just stunning, both of you. This shoot," she puts a hand on her heart. "This shoot is going to be out of this world, I can feel it."

"We're glad to be here, Evana. We had no idea that people thought of us as a cute couple." Chris tells her.

"Please! I don't see how. Just watching you two walk down the stairs had me grinning with goosebumps. Now, let me run down the day for you. We'll start with the pictures. There's no outfit change, so it shouldn't be more than two hours, max. After that, you will be given time to go and change and then you will move directly into the interview session with me. Be prepared now, because I ask the questions the people want to know the answers to."

I chuckle to that and Chris squeezes my waist. He knows what I don't want known will not be known, but, by all means, ask away Evana.

"Sounds like a plan." I smile.

"And designers and things like that of what you all are wearing has already been sent over by your stylist, so we're good with that. Lunch will be provided, on us, while we pack everything up. Alright, let's head over to that window with that view. I've been itching to get some shots by it since the walkthrough!"

Chris takes my hand again and we walk to the window.

"Now, Chris, what feels natural to you in this moment?"

Without time for me to think he whisks me around, locking our connected hands in front of me with my back to his chest, and places his head in my neck. Automatically I close my eyes and lean into him.

"And you don't see why people think you're cute?' she squeals. "Stay just like that. Do. Not. Move."

Moments later we hear snaps going off from the camera, one after the other.

"Ok, now, Janay, what pose feels natural to you right now?"

"You'll probably only get one out of this one. But it's what I really want to do right now."

I step from our embrace and hold both of Chris' hands in mine. Then I lean forward and kiss him lightly. He tries to make it longer but I lean back and shake my head.

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