Chapter 9

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The day had finally arrived. The magazine's crew would be here at 7 AM and the estimated time that we would start interviewing would be 10 AM. The sun's rays would be providing the best light at the time, so I was told. Last week a few employees, including Evana, stopped by to case out our home to figure out where they would take the pictures and where they would conduct the interview. Wanda will be arriving in a few to be with Kennedy while Chris and I do what we have to. Normally our clothes would be here long before an event such as this. However, for some unknown reason Giani asked if we could trust her with this and allow us to be surprised by what she chose. Chris and I looked at her in shock. This was definitely a first. With something like this? A shoot with People magazine?

She begged and pleaded, but not for long. She has been with us from the beginning of our marriage, and was around for Chris before we started attending events together. In the end, we trusted her.

I roll over and look at Chris' slumbering body. His left arm is draped over his eyes and his right arm is in between us. His chiseled chest is exposed to me as a lovely good morning gift. Drool-worthy toned thigh muscles are hidden beneath the comforter along with his generously long external organ.

He wrinkles his nose before throwing his hand off of his face and onto his stomach. With the ease and slickness of a feline I stretch my left leg over his legs. I land on my toes so as to not to touch his legs.

Still asleep. Good.

I then raise my body over his and hover over him, holding my breath.

Still asleep. Good.

His eyelashes look so pretty yet manly on his face. Without much thought I reach up and stroke them softly. A sigh comes from his lips.

Slowly I descend onto his torso and sit up straight, admiring him in sleeping state. My hands slide down the sheets to rest beside both sides of his head. His dorag is keeping his waves in place so I can't run my hand over his soft black hair. The first kiss is placed on his forehead followed by his left eye and then his right. I gently kiss his nose and then both his left and right ear. I glance up to his eyes to see them still closed and his breathing is still the same before I started my physical assault. With nothing on his face left to kiss I place a peck on his brown plump lips. A slow dance on his lips follows and his morning breath is of no concern to me.

My kisses move down his body, softly giving attention to his pulsing jugular and concrete pecks. I kiss each and every ab.


Even with me kissing his body he has yet to stir. I know what will wake him up.

I slide down to his legs and move the comforter off of him revealing him in his black boxers. My target, my aim, lies beneath that cotton barrier. My mouth has started salivating and my cheeks have begun to tingle in anticipation.

With both index fingers inserted into the edge of the boxers I slowly slide them down.

"Know that whatever you are getting ready to deliver to me will be delivered back to you 10 times worse."

His voice startles me, causing me to snatch my fingers from his boxers.

I look up to see his eyes closed but a smirk on his lips.

"I thought you were asleep, babe." I huff.

"Jaybird, I have been awake since you kissed these lips of mine." Those brown orbs meet mine and they hold humor in them.

"Well," I lick my lips and grin coyly. "Why did you stop me?"

"That's easy." He chuckles lightly. "I want you to think about how it's going to be for you while you're loving on me. However good you make this for me, it will be torturous for you. When you say enough and beg me to stop, that plea will fall on deaf ears."

Janay's Full Court LifeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant