Chapter 8

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"Yes, Chris?"  I flip the channel on the television to BET.  At this time of night, Martin is on and he knows the only thing I'm watching are the reruns of the shows I grew up on.

"What's one of the best memories that you have of us?"

I turn my head to get a better look of him behind me.

"Come again?"

"I want to know what one of your best memories of us is."

"Why?  The interview making you feel some type of way?"  I stretch up and kiss his chin before turning back forward. 

He shrugs.

"You can say that. Come on," he shakes me a little, "Let me hear it."

This interview really does have him walking down memory lane.  I turn the television off and then take both of his arms to tighten them around my center.

"Christopher Court."  I snuggle closer into his chest. "Besides the birth of our bundle of joy, gosh..."

Then it hits me.

"I remember sitting down in my room and I was dog sick.  My ears were burning and my eyes were blurry but I had a final to study for; the exam was the following morning.  I'll never forget Professor Relophus and his fascination with kitchen knives.  Thankfully, I got an A.  Anyway, I hadn't seen you in over a month and, like I said, I was out of it.  I spoke to you earlier that day and I told you how I was feeling and that I was going into the hole to study so I didn't talk to you again until that night before you went to bed.  The next day, after my final, I was walking out of that building and I felt myself falling to the ground but someone caught me."

"With the little vision that I had, I made out your face.  Even before that I recognized your hold on me.  You caught me. I never told you this but," I take a deep breath and my eyes close. "From that moment I told myself that I could see myself in your arms for the rest of my life.  Then I thought that I could see you holding our children for the rest of our lives."

"You thought all of that in the few seconds you were conscious in my arms?" he asks.

"Yes, I passed out, but I do remember thinking that before everything went black."  The silence in the room causes me to turn around.


"I remember thinking that I just wanted to see you and get you home so that I could nurse you back to health. I didn't think I would be calling 911 and spending the night in the emergency room."

"Hey," I peck his soft lips. "You were where I needed you when I needed you.  That's what matters."

"Yea, you're right.  I'm glad I got there when I did."

"Ok!  Your turn!  Chris...Chris?"

He is playing like he's asleep.

"Boy, you do not fall asleep that fast.  Come on Chris, I want to hear yours."

He opens his right eye and then shuts it when he sees that I'm staring right at him.

Seconds later he does the same thing.

I reach over and squeeze his nares together.

"OK! OK!"

"What was that Mr. Stuffy?"

"I said ok!"

"That's what I thought!"  I release his nose while covering my mouth, trying to keep my laugh from getting too loud to where I wake Kennedy.

"I hate that." Chris massages his nose.

"Aw, my baby."

I take his face in between my hands and plant small kisses on his warm nose.

"Next time just tell me when I ask."  He looks at my smiling face and then starts smiling back.

"One of the best memories?  There's so many with you Janay, but I'll hit you with this one: It was the day of your graduation.  I told you earlier on in the week that I had a game that night and couldn't stay to celebrate with you.  As promised, I made your graduation and then I left for the game.  What I remember was looking out into the stands and I saw you."

"Why was that memorable?"

"I didn't expect you to make it.  It was your college graduation and your mom was there and I thought you'd be out celebrating somehow.  But you were in the stands with your cap and gown on."

"I remember that game too. You all won by thirty points."

The vibrations of his laugh are felt on my back.

"Yeah, we sure did."

"And you scored most of those points." 

"Yea, I did. Want to know why?"

"Besides the fact that you're a talented player?" 

"Yes, besides that."

Chris leans down and tucks his head into the crook of my neck. His smooth cheek is pressed against my own and his lips rest against my pulsing jugular.

"I was showing out for you.  I was so happy to see you and the sight of you filled me with adrenalin that I had to make you getting on a plane and flying four hours worth the trip."

"Wow, I never knew that.  I recall you playing differently that night, but I never attributed myself to that."

His arms pull me closer to him. 

"You will never understand how much of what I do is fueled by you and that precious little girl that you gave me."



S. Waters

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