Chapter 5

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Once Stacy stormed off we were left at the table looking from one to another with mouths agape. From what she said, Kyle is cheating on her. The woman in the picture didn't look like anyone that I would have known, but from the way that she and Kyle were enwrapped in one another, they knew each other. It was not processing my mind that Kyle could do something like that to that sweet girl. On top of that, she married his sorry behind and then had his children. She moved here for him and then he goes and pulls a stunt like this!

Silence sat at the table with us as we twirled forks around. Half-eaten plates were left behind and somber hugs were given when we arose from the table to leave. Even as I walked to my car I adamantly scanned the crowd that swarmed the doors as we were leaving for the vermin that threatened my friend. It crossed my mind a few times to call on her on my way home. Then I thought that Stacy needed some time alone. Then I couldn't help it and I called her over and over again until I got home. Not once did she answer. Matter of fact, each time the call went straight to voicemail.

A little itch in me was making it seem like a good idea to drive to her house and help her make a mess of that bastard's life. However, good ole common sense stepped in and made me see that if Stacy didn't reach out for me to come over, then I should let it be.

With all the commotion of today, I'm really missing the calming feeling that my baby gives me. Sometimes she finds her way into my room and she'll ask me to lift her up. Her and her toys will then take over her father's side of the bed.

When she feels like it she'll ask me to play with her. That makes me feel like she just wants to be around me. Then there are times when she will want to play by herself and gets mad when you reach towards her toys. She's finicky like that. Thinking of her three foot body makes me think back to when she was first laid on my chest. Before she touched me all I could feel was frazzled and overwhelmed. That combined with her crying had me in shambles. Then my baby girl was laid on my chest and a sense of warmth encompassed me from head to toe and I was in a state of euphoria. Tears just streamed down my sweaty face. When I looked at Chris and saw the tear roll over the brim of his eye, I knew that I had seen another example of love.

Chris' parents were right there when the family was allowed in. David, his best friend from high school and also a player on the team, was right there with flowers and balloons and teddy bears. My room grew full very fast. Unfortunately, one face that I wanted there was not there.

My mama's.

When the family was let in and she didn't come in I assumed that she was on the way. But when an hour went by and she still hadn't arrived, I asked Luke where she was. On my own accord and for my own reasons I had a person assigned to watch my mama from a distance. Francine Johnson would never willingly accept such.

When I asked Luke where my mother was, I saw the nerve in his jaw pulse. He told me that she admitted herself into rehab after relapsing. It was bittersweet to hear, more bitter though. I was proud of mama for seeking help but at the same time there was an ache in my heart because of her missing the birth of her first grandchild. She would never get that back.

Nevertheless, when mama was allowed out after a couple of months she came over and saw Kennedy, Kennedy Francine-Wanda Court. For a woman who seldom cries there was no hesitation when I told her Kennedy's entire name as she held her in her arms. Kennedy started stirring from her sleep but mama knew what do and was able to calm her down.

"Hey there, sexy."

"Hi, honey."

Chris leans down and catches my lips. I yelp when I feel him squeeze my butt.

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