s e v e n t e e n

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Alright, guys, this is quite the eventful chapter but at the same time there are only four left. I repeat there are only four chapters left and that's kind of sad but also super exciting. I'm so ready for you guys to know how this story ends. I hope you guys have enjoyed it so far and I'd really appreciate some feedback. This chapter is unedited as well. I'd like to get this story fully written before I go through and do some major editing. I appreciate all the support I've had up to this point and I'm really excited to hear what you guys think about this chapter and the coming chapters

- Brittani

"You find true love from a mother" - unknown

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"You find true love from a mother" - unknown

"Can I get the chicken tenders and french fries please, with a side salad," I asked the cute waitress who was anxious. I wondered if this was her first job. She smiled awkwardly like she had to remind herself. She was working through all the steps I'm sure they tell you when they are training you. I felt bad for the girl. Just breathe and relax. I was thinking to myself. She nodded and then turned to the next person. My mother then ordered her own meal as did Clara. I was growing tired of always eating out. It's what people in New York did though. I wanted to learn to cook. Maybe I'll take a cooking class and prepare some more of my own food.

The restaurant was busy, but not busier than expected. It was lunchtime on the average Friday. Many were out on their lunch breaks. Some were on dates, but everyone was doing something. Living their own lives, not at all concerned with what was going on at my table.

I looked at the people I was with... Clara, My mother, and unusually Carter had shown up as well. He didn't have much to do, so hanging out at the shop like the good ole days was his plan. I didn't mind. I'd always enjoyed having him around.

"Clara you sure haven't changed." Carter's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I wasn't in the conversation, my mind was drifting away dancing in the thoughts of last night.

I was now Andrew's girlfriend. I don't even know how to be a girlfriend. Am I supposed to feed him? Take care of him? How does all of that work? My phone buzzed slightly in my pocket. I jumped a little at the sudden movement. The screen on my phone flashed with a notification of a text message.

'Good morning beautiful, I hope you're having a wonderful day.'

I couldn't help but smile at the text. I had gone back and forth on my feelings towards Andrew, he knew he excited me in a way no one else has in a while. He was intriguing and someone I could really see myself falling madly in love with. I quickly type a response.

'Hello handsome, much better now that you've texted me. Xo'

I felt so awkward sending that message. I had no clue how to flirt and I wasn't sure if I was doing it correctly at all. It had been so long. Glancing up I caught a weird look from Clara. She was staring me down. Her eyes switching between me and my phone. I could almost guess what she was thinking. It wasn't good. I shoved my phone into the leather boots I was wearing while placing both my hands on the table.

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