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Please be sure to check out the Book Trailer up above made by diagnosedwithlupus it's seriously one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. 

Banner By -  @grochinov-

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Banner By -  @grochinov-

"Love can accomplish all things

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"Love can accomplish all things. Things that are most impossible become easy where love is at work." - St. Therese of Lisieux

I ran around the bridal shop like a chicken with its head cut off.

Clients were screaming, rushing to the different racks, grabbing my priceless dresses. Bags were being ripped and fights were breaking out. My head was spinning as I rushed to help as many people as I could in the shortest time possible. My mother, meanwhile, stood elegantly at the cash register, coolly ushering customers through the door after their purchases. She was the calm in the storm.

"We are never doing a Hell week ever again!" I growled at Kylie, immediately regretting my words. Hopefully, she didn't take it personally—the stress of everything was finally making me snap and I needed to blow off steam.

Kylie's hands flew over her head as she tried to help a young skinny bride into a flowing wedding gown. The long graceful lace sleeves hugged the girl's skin, and her face beamed with love and joy. Clara sent an exhausted half smile my way, her eyes drooping with sleep deprivation. I couldn't wait for this week to be over so I could give her the well-needed rest she deserved. She had been my right-hand-woman for a while and I needed to pay her back.

Turning away from the happy scene, I walked over to my mother and placed my hands on her arm. "How are the numbers?" I asked, squeezing slightly, I whispered in her ear, "Are we done yet?" She ignored me, smiling gracefully as she helped another customer rebag her veil as best she could. I stepped to the side, letting her lean over the counter to fiddle with the stuck zipper, and took a moment to glance around the frantic shop while I waited for her to respond.

Every year, Little White Dress Bridal held a sale where we sold gowns at ridiculously low prices, and women couldn't help but jump on the opportunity to get their wedding gown for under 1,000 bucks. This was called Hell Week. Since it was hard to get in the store, hard to get out of the store, but it was like a sin to not come. I tried counting the people in the store, and realized we were only fifteen minutes away from closing time. There were still too many people; this had to violate some sort of fire code.

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