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Chapter is currently Unedited

Banner is by Me

"Love is a single soul inhabiting two bodies" - Unknown

The shop was empty. The lights were still off. It was a Tuesday morning before we were supposed to open. Clara and I shuffled through the bags thrown across the floor around us. We were soon heading off to the airport so we could catch our bridal show in Virginia. I smiled to myself as i checked over all my items. Did i have everything? I could tell Clara was doing the same. She digs through her vibrant pink bag that honestly hurt my eyes this early in the morning. I wondered if the strangers on the street thought we were stealing stuff. Two girls, with giant bags, shuffling around in a closed shop before 5 a.m.

After checking all of our things it was time to head out. I grabbed my papers needed off of the main desk before reaching for the door. "Do you have everything?"

"Yes," there was a slight grunt, "why is it so damn early?" I chuckled at my friend whose hair was still perfectly wavy, and her makeup didn't look like she missed a beat. Me on the other hand, my hair was matted and thrown up in a ponytail all while my face was bare.

"Early bird gets the worm." I cringed at the cliche of that sentence. Tossing the key into the lock on the door, twisting until it gave way, a click sounding that we were free. I locked the door behind us and we headed off in the direction for the airport. This time we called an Uber. Making sure we had a larger vehicle to fit our bags and stuff in. We each had a giant luggage bag and a carry on for entertainment and snacks on the plane. I was certains Clara's bag was loaded with candy. I almost laughed to myself just thinking about it. We hopped safely into the SUV and told them where we were going. The giant skyscrapers passing by as the driver tried to weave through traffic. Clara laid her head down on my lap, taking I guess a 15 minute snooze. I watched the place we call home whizz by. Traffic wasn't heavy and that made me happy. Itd give us extra time to lug our giant bags around the airport.

The SUV made a few other turns before stopping in the drop off parking lot. I nudged Clara awake and began gathering my things. At least one of us was awake and coherent . She dragged along side of me, the cold wind nipping at our collars. We waved our thanks to the driver before heading through the large doors of the airport. The heater must have been blasted because the difference between the air in the building and the air outside was miserable. We walked up to the ticketing lady and handed her our drivers licenses. She typed some words, her nails making annoying clacking noises. I reached down and put a tag on my bag quickly filling out the needed information. Clara did the same. The lady behind the counter handed us our tickets before taking our bags, weighing them, and putting their own tags on them. She took the bags from the scale throwing them on a belt that took them away. I grabbed Clara's sleeve grabbing the poor sleepy girl. She wasn't a morning person.

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