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Chapter is currently Unedited

"Fear is useless, so are the people who lead with it." - Unknown

After last night I was more than ready to get out of here. The date had ended so horribly and by the time I got home Clara was already sound asleep. I guess I woke her up too early. It was pretty early in the morning currently. I was walking around the hotel room trying to find all my clothes that we had strewn across the tiny living area. Soon enough I had my bag fully packed and I was adding the final touches to my makeup. I was ready to have this Bridal show over with. This one had been for the books, the worst books.

Clara walked meekly around the room as well. Obviously she wanted to be tucked away in bed. I wasn't sure how she got up to come into work. I smiled to myself because I wanted to be right where she wanted to be. Tucked in my very own bed at home sounded better than the world's best coffee right now. That reminded me, I turned on the coffee pot making sure to brew up something before Clara got too grouchy with me.

The coffee began to bubble in the machine making the room smell good. Like cheap hotel room coffee but still good.

"Are you excited for this to be over with?" I question, my voice came out softer than I had meant it too. She nodded her head walking up beside me to get some of the coffee that was now finished.

"Do you agree that this was probably one of the worst shows we have been to?" Her face scrunched up as she smelled the contents of her cup. Before she could think any further she threw the cup back, drinking all of the coffee as if it was a burning shot. Her face twisted and contorted as she tried to force it down. Obviously that had woken her up. "Whoo! I'm ready!" She shouted still twisting at the pain from the heat.

"I now understand how you make it to work on time." I mumbled mostly to myself but plenty loud enough for her to hear as well. She looked at me with a side glance. She had no clue what I was talking about.

"How was your date last night?" Clara questioned me while throwing some pants on. It was kind of weird that we were such good friends she would just dress in front of me. It wasn't my style but for some reason our little work relationship had grown so comfortable with each other.

"Worst. Date. Ever." I mouthed through gritted teeth. That might have been a little dramatic...No that was definitely the truth. I'd rather sit on a boring date for twelve hours straight than sit with a man who disrespects people who are 'below' him. I shook my head remembering the night I had had last night.

Clara's eyes grew all wide as she stared at me. I knew she was waiting for more information but I had no clue what to tell her. "Well..." She rolled her hand through the air ushering me to continue on with the story.

"Disrespectful to the waitress. Made me wait for over thirty minutes before he even arrived, when he did finally arrive he was frustrated and angry with me for having already ordered an appetizer." I rushed through all of the words, not really wanting to start my morning off the same way my night had ended.

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